Discovery 2 Internetworking Module 2 JEOPARDY D.C. Gooch
RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Acronyms Help Desk Help Desk OSI Model OSI Model Layers Help Desk Help Desk Troubleshooting Lucky Dip Lucky Dip ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄
Question SLA Acronyms 100 A: What is Service Level Agreement?
Question A: What is Open Systems Interconnection ? OSI Acronyms
Question A: What is a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol? SMTP Acronyms 300
Question A: What is Internet Message Access Protocol? IMAP Acronyms 400
Question A: What is Automatic Private IP Addressing? APIPA Acronyms 500
Question A: What is Level 1? Is for immediate support handled by junior- level help desk technicians Help Desk
Question A: What is Level 1? An entry-level position that provides junior technicians with valuable experience Help Desk 200
Question A: What is a Level 2 Technician? Their duties and responsibilities are similar to that of the Level 1 technician, but they are at a higher skill level. Help Desk 300
Question A: What is Level 3? Resolves problems in the field Help Desk 400
Question A: What is a Level 2? Uses diagnostic tools and remote desktop sharing tools to resolve the problem. Help Desk 500
Question A: What is the application layer? Closest to end user OSI Model 100
Question A: What is the physical layer? Places information on the medium. OSI Model 200
Question A: What are network layer protocols? IPv4, IPv6, IP OSI Model 300
Question A: What is the transport layer? Video and Voice streaming mechanisms and firewall filtering lists OSI Model 400
Question A: What is the physical layer? Copper twisted pair, fiber optic cable, wireless transmitters. OSI Model 500
Question A: What is layer 1 ? Physical Layers 100
Question A: What is layer 7? Application Layers 200
Question A: What is layer 3? Network. Layers 300
Question A: What is layer 2? Data Link Layers 400
Question A: What is layer 4? Transport Layers 500
Question A: What is ping? Tests basic network connectivity Help Desk Troubleshooting 100
Question A: What is tracert? Determines if the routing path between the source and destination is available Help Desk Troubleshooting 200
Question A: What is a ipconfig? Shows IP settings on the computer Help Desk Troubleshooting 300
Question A: What is bottom-up? Starts with the physical components of the network and works its way up the layers of the OSI model. Help Desk Troubleshooting 400
Question A: What is divide and conquer? Generally used by more experienced network technicians. Help Desk Troubleshooting 500
Question A: What is the Link Local Address range ? to Lucky Dip 100
Question A: What is the loopback address ? Lucky Dip 200
Question A: What is a multimeter? Used for measuring electrical potential between two points in an electrical circuit Lucky Dip 300
Question A: What is a trouble ticket? To properly troubleshoot the problem, the on-site technician reviews this. Lucky Dip 400
Question A: What is a incorrectly loaded TCP/IP stack? Prevents IP from operating correctly. Lucky Dip 500
Question A: What is 1. Define the problem, 2. Isolate the cause of the problem, 3. Solve the problem.) ? Basic problem-solving procedure Final Jeopardy
Discovery 2 Internetworking End of Game JEOPARDY D.C. Gooch