Medicines Transparency Alliance03/10/ MeTA Zambia Violet Kabwe MeTA Zambia Consultant
Medicines Transparency Alliance03/10/20152 Multi-stakeholder process [What were the major milestones in the multi-stakeholder process?] Establishment of the MeTA Management Structure: Council, Forum and Sub – Committees Establishment of National Secretariat Developed Zambia MeTA website Communication strategies implemented at both policy and community levels: motion in parliament, TV and radio live phone in progs, community sensitization road shows, development of fact sheets etc Orientation workshops for MeTA Council members held in supply chain systems and regulatory issues/mandate Have developed synergies with GGM Conducted data disclosure tool Drafted advocacy position papers on ‘ADDO’ system in Zambia and counterfeit and sub- standard drugs Commissioned studies impinging on availability, affordability, and access to medicines Provided technical support to CSO Coalition capacity building on supply chain systems
Medicines Transparency Alliance Major achievements and successes [What where the main achievements and successes of MeTA in your country? ] Successful, well-attended MeTA launch, opened by Minister of Health. Effective capacity building of Council members in supply chain management and functions of PRA. Successful mobilization of cross-party parliamentarians; moved motion in parliament which introduced MeTA concept to august house. Good buy-in from Cabinet Office –agreement to distribute MeTA materials. Establishment of national MeTA Secretariat Effective community mobilization efforts in rural pilot districts of North-Western Province – included 2 successful radio shows. Live radio/TV programmes have become popular and made MeTA ‘visible’ Community radio station managers mobilized through sensitization workshop. Mainstreaming of MeTA in community programs have gained popularity MeTA included in national health reform processes Reports commissioned for challenges of manufacturing sector, pricing structures in public/private sector, private sector mapping survey and data disclosure survey. MeTA Zambia website commissioned –impressive design. MeTA Forum meeting held 03/10/20153
Medicines Transparency Alliance Overall challenges [What have been the main challenges during the MeTA pilot phase? ] Creating trust and Commitment among stakeholders by striving to share joint MeTA learning among all stakeholders common MeTA benefits strategy or/and understanding that cuts across all sectors Commitment by all stakeholders was a challenge MeTA Council/CSO Coalition synergies were not apparent Felt need to set up sub – committees as implementation bodies of MeTA Council Expected support from government and CPs did not fully materialize Used two pronged approach, targeting both policy and community levels as entry points for dialogue/sensitization concerning MeTA core principles Capacity building of MeTA Council members in pharmaceutical sector and health care delivery systems. Making private sector representatives, line ministry officers and members of parliament to become aware and gain knowledge on MeTA issues 03/10/20154
Medicines Transparency Alliance Delayed funding due to local bureaucracy meant late start to implementation of national work plan Delayed/disrupted recruitment and housing of Secretariat Support of other MeTA CPs to Initiative was not forthcoming Need to maintain continuous buy-in of all sectors and stakeholders time-consuming. Operations of Council and Sub-Committees depend on voluntarism, and high levels of commitment and time. Most members in full-time work so regular participation challenging, very apparent in the Research & Survey sub - committee. Large Council makes convening meetings logistically challenging and expensive. –Large numbers with varied skills mix means decision-making is slow. Initially, a calendar of Council and Sub-Committee meetings was not published in advance, made planning and scheduling challenging. Lack of clarity on the log frame, delayed work plan approval, and disrupted timely funding/ implementation. Adhoc requests from MeTA International for sudden activities a big challenge; especially with a tight work plan to implement Non – disclosure of pricing structures by most pharma industry Disclosure tool only made available in Sept 2009 –would have been useful as baseline data and for work plan development. 03/10/20155
Medicines Transparency Alliance Lessons Learned [What are the main lessons from MeTA in your country? ] MeTA process is technical and complex, hence requires capacity for all members to move at the same pace. There are diverse interests among MeTA members who continuously strive to have common understanding and expected outcomes from the MeTA Process Establishing consensus requires constant lobbying for exchange of views Commitment of people important otherwise multi-stakeholder processes will not work MeTA members need medicines and management expertise MeTA can not operate in a political vacuum MeTA CSO needs to include members that are able to engage in dialogue at high profile level Two pronged approach in MeTA process (sensitization/lobbying at grassroots and policy levels respectively), improved MeTA ‘visibility” Non completion of desk review of data affected other dependent activities 03/10/20156
Medicines Transparency Alliance03/10/20157 Chart Example
Medicines Transparency Alliance03/10/20158 Picture & Text example Community awareness activities – MeTA roadshow in Mkushi Opportunity to create public awareness about MeTA Positive response to MeTA issues in rural communities
Medicines Transparency Alliance03/10/20159 Thank you Violet Kabwe Mobile number: Skype: Website: