Instruction and Technology 11/03/2009
Getting ready Sign attendance sheet. Place name tent on CPU Open class wiki at Place Intel® Teach resource CD in computer
Today’s agenda Brainstorm ideas for CFQs Identify CFQs, standards, unit goals for your unit idea and post on unit plan overview/literacy work sample Explore assessment ideas. Investigate WebQuest or Quest.
CFQ brainstorm doc Share completed CFQs from brainstorm sheet. Update your sheet with group friends’ ideas. Choose top two group CFQs to share with class. Present CFQ ideas.
Literacy Work Sample Complete personal info. Post your unit idea CFQs. Determine appropriate content standards for your unit. Reflect on and record unit goals.
BREAK! Take a five minute break. :-)
Planning assessment projects/ projects/ Think about your work sample CFQ’s, content standards, and unit goals. Use this information to frame pre and summative assessment. List key measurable understandings students must have by the time they complete this unit of study. Decide on rubric/scale categories. Develop trait descriptors for each category. First draft to personal wiki for next week.
Assessment reflections What type of assessments will you use for pre and post assessments? In what ways do your choices of assessments best match purpose and use? Place responses to these questions on the discussion post for the work sample page of your personal wiki.
Exploring WebQuests/Quests Definition: a lesson or unit strategy that encourages higher order, creative thinking and integrates technology effectively. See a.html 2007a.html See Word template.
Looking ahead to next week Reflect/share/revise pre and summative assessment ideas. Continue adding to and updating unit plan overview. Create a WebQuest or Quest lesson plan for your unit. Consider formative assessments for Work Sample 1.