Who Are We? Marianna GoheenDeifi Stolz Health ScienceMethods of AdministrationProgram Supervisor
Methods of Administration PURPOSE of the MOA Program To ensure students enjoy equal access to CTE programs and activities regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. The MOA Coordinator is responsible for conducting targeted compliance reviews of secondary institutions that provide CTE programs based on the Vocational Education Guidelines as well as the regulations implementing Title IX, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
Five-Year Onsite Review Cycle
MOA Selection and Ranking Criteria
MOA Selection Criteria 1.Race 2.Disability 3.Sex 4.Non-Traditional CTE Enrollment 5.Date of Last Review 6.CTE Courses 7.Civil Rights Complaints
MOA Office for Civil Rights Process Notification letters submitted to Superintendent, CTE Director, Principals Courtesy phone call notification to Superintendent
MOA Office for Civil Rights Process Documentation preparation and check list Onsite visit Follow up Letter of Finding – 30 Days Voluntary Compliance Plan – 45 Days Monitoring/Action/Closure
CPR monitors multiple federally funded programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This process fulfills OSPI's compliance monitoring requirements under Federal regulations (34 CFR 80.40). Consolidated Program Review
The school year will consist of desk reviews and onsite school districts visits in the following ESDs: ESD 121 – Puget Sound ESD 171 – North Central The “Big 4” Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane and Yakima School Districts website:
Fall Training Workshops ESD 171 | October 1 | 8:30 a.m. to Noon Confluence Technology Center ESD 121 | October 6 | 8:30 a.m. to Noon Puget Sound ESD Conference Center Webinar | October 20 | 8:30 -11:30 a.m.
Perkins Assurances
CPR | Perkins, CTE Check List
Monitoring Tool ABC School District
Program of Study Assurances The Program of Study (POS) must match the identified POS in the Perkins grant The evidence of the POS: The signed POS assurances The POS template The aligned dual credit articulation agreements for one or more courses in the POS
CPR Action Plan
Desk Reviews and Onsite Reviews Timeframe: January through May 2015 School districts upload documents An OSPI team member will review each federal program areas documentation submitted Feedback is given through tool, by and phone calls
CPR Onsite Reviews Entrance meeting with district representatives Meet with CTE Director/Team Review Actions Required documentation Site visits to CTE programs
CPR Onsite Reviews OSPI completes determinations and actions required in the Monitoring Tool Exit meeting 45 day follow up to Noncompliant determinations
Contact Information Marianna Goheen Deifi Stolz We are here to provide assistance and serve YOU!