Post-it notes I always have some post-it notes to jot information down on and plan my blogs for the week on it and they don’t cost much.
Laptop My laptop is always on my desk so that I can write my blogs and look bits up for my homework, it is basically the brain and heart of my desk.
Magazi nes I always keep a couple of magazines just to have a read whilst trying to get ideas for baking or blogs and gather information.
Hole puncher My hole puncher brings another colour to my desk and makes it more interesting and it is always there so that I can put my work into folders.
Stapler My stapler brings another colour to my desk and is the same as the hole puncher meaning that I can place them together and use it to keep work together.
Pot of stationary This pot is very useful as it keeps all of my stationary together and I know where each thing is so it isn’t very hard to pick a pen out to jot down a note or write my homework out.
Filing stand This device is very handy as it means I can keep documents or other things stood up in it and I know where they are, for example medical records and homework task sheets.
Paper I always make sure that I have a stack of paper on my desk ready for homework or a quick mind map of what to include in a blog or to plan out my week of tasks so that I am organised.
An oxford English dictionary This is an essential item for me and my desk as I can look words up quickly to find a meaning or know how to spell something and it is small and doesn’t take up much space on my desk.
A monthly planner This white board calendar didn’t cost very much and it keeps a track of when things are happening and I can easily add a new plan on to it.
My mood board I love having a mood board as it makes sure that my working area is fun, new and colourful. I always add new things or move things around depending on what is going on in the world, events and seasons.