PBIS Instructional Series Classroom Expectations
Be There, Be Ready Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Your Best POCS Expectations Be There, Be Ready Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Your Best
Classroom Expectations
Be There. Be Ready. In the classroom you can do this by: Dressing appropriately Being in class on time Having your materials ready Staying on task
Activity #1 What does “Be There. Be Ready.” look like in the classroom? …
Be Responsible In the classroom you can do this by: Following directions Tracking all deadlines Asking for help if you do not understand Taking ownership of your learning
Activity #2 What does “Be Responsible.” look like in the classroom? …
Be Respectful In the classroom you can do this by: Using positive/supportive language Listening when others are talking Respecting others’ space and belongings
Activity #3 What does “Be Respectful.” look like in the classroom? …
In the classroom you can do this by: Be Your Best In the classroom you can do this by: Being prepared to learn Attempting all assignments Participating in activities
Activity #4 What does “Be Your Best.” look like in the classroom? …
Brain Power Time Why should we have consistent rules and expectations in the classroom? Take 3 minutes to discuss this question with a peer.
Handout #1 What are some examples of behaviors you would expect to see from someone following the classroom expectations? What are some examples of behaviors you would expect to see from someone not following the classroom expectations? Examples Non-examples
Practice/Role Play Our class has started. Students are quietly asked to write in their journals for 5 minutes. Most students start immediately. John forgot his pencil so he asks everyone around him if he could borrow one. After a minute he gets a pencil and starts working. Suddenly the door opens and Mary walks into class complaining about Mr. Norman. She sits down and creates a disruption by saying, “What are we doing?” What expectations were not followed here?
The Correct Way Our class has started. Students are quietly asked to write in their journals for 5 minutes. All students start immediately. John had his pencil and also started to work. He did not need to interrupt anyone. Mary, who made it to class on time also starts work and does not interrupt anyone. Everyone was able to focus and get their work completed.
We Do The class is working quietly at their desks. Tommy needs to sharpen his pencil. He gets up from his desk and walks to the pencil sharpener. On his way he knocks a book off of Steve’s desk. Steve tells Tommy, “What are you doing idiot?” Tommy responds, “Your book was in my way. You are just stupid.” The two students then begin yelling at each other. The class is working quietly at their desks. Tommy needs to sharpen his pencil. He raises his hand to ask permission to sharpen his pencil. He gets permission and gets up from his desk and walks to the pencil sharpener. On his way he knocks a book off of Steve’s desk. Tommy says, “I am sorry that I knocked your book off of your desk.” Tommy then picks the book up and puts in back on Steve’s desk. Why is the second scenario an example of our expectations.
You Do With a peer, students are asked to come up with their own scenario. Student groups will act out appropriate, respectful behavior for their scenario. Teacher and other students will provide feedback to peer groups.
Classroom Expectations