Yaoshen Yuan Tufts University Virtual Machine Usage in Cloud Computing in Google EE-126
Google Cloud Computing Platform SaaS (Software as a Service) –Clients can download software and other resources or create documents and save resources through SaaS. PaaS (Platform as a Service) –provides clients with the platform that allow them to deploy the virtual development environment. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) –shares the Internet infrastructure and consumers have the ability to configure the operating system, storage, applications. Tufts University
Diagram for Platform Tufts University
Analysis of VM usage in Google Cloud Transmission Latency Traffic Analysis Reliability Tufts University
Transmission Latency Tufts University
Transmission Latency Tufts University virtual machine will access the nearest data center, so the distance should be
Transmission Latency Tufts University P reflects the advantage of cloud computing compared to the server station model
Traffic Analysis Tufts University the augmentation of the number of request a data center receive increases the network latency, so it is necessary to consider the network traffic
Traffic Analysis Tufts University center mean mean traffic weight of each data center under the condition that request is produced randomly over the world during a day
Reliability Tufts University it is important that when one or some of the data center collapse, VM instances can still access their resources
Reliability Tufts University
Reliability Tufts University
Reliability Tufts University
Reliability Tufts University k
Reliability Tufts University
Conclusion Tufts University Because of the lack of data of real channel connecting the world, the model (using straight line in sphere to replace channel) used to analyze is not accurate. Model built under the condition that resources of one VM instance are saved in all data center. Less latency, higher traffic tolerance, higher reliability. Building server on Google Cloud using VM instance is sensible when large Page View (PV) is estimated.
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Tufts University