1 Fall 2010 Title I Technical Assistance & Networking Session Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education October 5, 2010
2 Intended Outcomes for Today Participants will leave the meeting with: 1.Increased knowledge regarding selected Title I programmatic elements & requirements 2.Increased familiarity with ESE Title I resources 3.Expanded opportunities for inter-district networking 4.Increased understanding of Framework for Accountability & Assistance
4 Tiered Assistance and Intervention Intervention Assistance Most A Few
5 Accountability Linked to Assistance State Actions linked to District Actions District Actions State Actions AccountabilityAssistance * At Level 5 the state assumes major authority and responsibility to intervene to require changes in district policy and practice Co-Govern*
6 School and District Level Designations* Districts with no schools in corrective action or restructuring Districts with schools in corrective action or in restructuring Districts with one or more schools among the lowest- performing 20% based on quantitative indicators Districts identified by quantitative and qualitative indicators through a district review; districts with one or more schools among the lowest-performing and least improving 2% based on quantitative indicators Districts or schools declared by the Board as requiring "Joint District-ESE Governance" *Does not include charter schools
7 Distribution of Districts* *Does not include Charter Schools **4 districts were placed in Level 4 for district-wide issues and 8 districts were placed in Level 4 for one or more Level 4 schools
8 Relationship between State and Federal Accountability Requirements for Level 1 Districts Level 1: Occurs when the most serious designation of any school in the district is Level 1 Planning RequirementsCommunication RequirementsFiscal Requirements Review and revise District and School Improvement Plans with respect to the level of implementation of District Standards and Indicators and the Conditions of School Effectiveness. Districts identified for Improvement or in Corrective Action must notify parents/guardians of each child enrolled in the district of district’s NCLB Accountability Status. Districts identified for Improvement must reserve not less than 10 percent of their Title I, Part A funds for high-quality professional development specifically designed to address the academic achievement problems that caused the district to be identified. Districts identified for Improvement may transfer no more than 30 percent of the funds allocated to them under Titles II-A, II-D, and IV. Moreover, all transferred funds must be used for improvement activities as outlined in the district’s improvement plan. Districts in Corrective Action may not transfer funds between Titles II-A, II-D, and IV while in Corrective Action.
9 Relationship between State and Federal Accountability Requirements for Level 2 Districts Level 2: Occurs when the most serious designation of any school in the district is Level 2 Planning Requirements Communication Requirements Fiscal Requirements Use online models and tools such as the District Analysis and Review Tool (DART) to review and revise District and School Improvement Plans with respect to the level of implementation of District Standards and Indicators and the Conditions of School Effectiveness. Consider using ESE’s District Self-Assessment (available winter ). Districts identified for Improvement or in Corrective Action must notify parents/guardians of each child enrolled in the district of district’s NCLB Accountability Status. Districts identified for Improvement must reserve not less than 10 percent of their Title I, Part A funds for high-quality professional development specifically designed to address the academic achievement problems that caused the district to be identified. Districts identified for Improvement may transfer no more than 30 percent of the funds allocated to them under Titles II-A, II-D, and IV. Moreover, all transferred funds must be used for improvement activities as outlined in the district’s improvement plan. Districts in Corrective Action may not transfer funds between Titles II-A, II-D, and IV while in Corrective Action.
10 Relationship between State and Federal Accountability Requirements for Level 3 Districts Level 3: Occurs when the most serious designation of any school in the district is Level 3 Planning Requirements Communication Requirements Fiscal Requirements Review and revise District and School Improvement Plans with respect to the level of implementation of District Standards and Indicators and the Conditions of School Effectiveness. With assistance from the appropriate District and School Assistance Center (DSAC), use ESE’s Conditions for School Effectiveness Self- Assessment to fulfill the requirement to complete an ESE-approved self-assessment process at the district level. Districts identified for Improvement or in Corrective Action must notify parents/guardians of each child enrolled in the district of district’s NCLB Accountability Status. Districts identified for Improvement must reserve not less than 10 percent of theirTitle I, Part A funds for high-quality professional development specifically designed to address the academic achievement problems that caused the district to be identified. Districts identified for Improvement may transfer no more than 30 percent of the funds allocated to them under Titles II-A, II-D, and IV. Moreover, all transferred funds must be used for improvement activities as outlined in the district’s improvement plan. Districts in Corrective Action may not transfer funds between Titles II-A, II-D, and IV while in Corrective Action.
11 Berkshires Pioneer Valley CentralNortheast Greater Boston Southeast 6 District and School Assistance Centers Give Priority Assistance to Level 3 Districts
12 Relationship between State and Federal Accountability Requirements for Level 4 Districts Level 4: Occurs when the most serious designation of any school in the district is Level 4, or the district is placed in Level 4 as the result of a district review Planning Requirements Communication Requirements Fiscal Requirements If the district has been placed in Level 4 based on findings from a district review, collaborate with ESE in revising the District Improvement Plan to implement strategies for meeting priority District Standards and Indicators. For Level 4 schools, create and implement the state Turnaround Plan. Districts identified for Improvement or in Corrective Action must notify parents/guardians of each child enrolled in the district of district’s NCLB Accountability Status. Districts identified for Improvement must reserve not less than 10 percent of theirTitle I, Part A funds for high-quality professional development specifically designed to address the academic achievement problems that caused the district to be identified. Districts identified for Improvement may transfer no more than 30 percent of the funds allocated to them under Titles II-A, II-D, and IV. Moreover, all transferred funds must be used for improvement activities as outlined in the district’s improvement plan. Districts in Corrective Action may not transfer funds between Titles II-A, II-D, and IV while in Corrective Action.
Tools to Help in Answering Key Questions in the Cycle of Continuous Improvement All tools are available online at except those noted with an asterisk. For further information, contact
14 Where to Go for More Information Framework for District Accountability and Assistance: Massachusetts School & District Accountability and Assistance Levels & Required Action: School Leader's Guide to the 2010 Accountability Reports: For a list of all accountability-related federal guidance, type “guidance” into the ESE search box at Conditions for School Effectiveness Self-Assessment:
15 Agenda Overview Opening Remarks Announcements & Updates Small Group Sessions Details in Folders Info Desk (all morning)
16 FY11 Title I Grants Review status as of October 1 –ARRA Title I: 217 of 260 received –Regular Title I: 338 out of 364 received FY11 Carryover of FY10 Funds –Notification / application sent after FR-1 processing, or –Upon request for districts that amended down their regular FY10 grant before mid-April Submission Deadline: December 31, 2010 –ARRA (full balance), Regular, Carryover
17 FY11 Title I Grants Amendments –Required when there is: significant change in program objectives; or increase or decrease in total amount of grant; or increase in a line of the budget exceeds $100 or 10% of the line (whichever is greater), or exceeds $10,000 –Narrative details: why district is proposing a change how the change will improve provision of Title I services Update to Forms 1 & 2
18 Title I Program Review / Monitoring Logistics –Same year as Coordinated Program Review [See –Primarily desk-based –Requires submission of various materials the district’s Title I ‘Administrative Handbook’ –Timeline: Winter – Spring –Notification of findings and required actions, if any, near end of school year
19 Title I Program Review / Monitoring Prevalent Findings from FY10 –Supplement not Supplant policies and procedures –Parent/guardian involvement policies & school/family compacts –Time and effort reporting
20 Title I Program Resources / Monitoring
21 Title I Web Resources
22 Detailed Agenda
23 Contact Information Website: Phone: