JKP Cloud Team Cloud Computing
What is cloud computing? Characteristics. Types of Cloud Computing. Deployment. Proposal. Concerns. Conclusion. AGENDA
Allows companies to access IT-based services via the Internet. It’s a growing reality for today’s businesses because of the pervasiveness of the Internet and its technologies, combined with advances in virtualization, hardware commoditization, standardization, and open source software. WHAT IS CLOUD COMPUTING?
Application Level Platform Level Infrastructure Level 3 TYPES OF CLOUD COMPUTING
P rivate cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization and by themselves P ublic services are rendered over a network that is provided by a third-party provider H ybrid composition of private and public cloud computing DEPLOYMENT MODELS
Insurance company offering a wide variety of products: Car insurance Home insurance Life insurance PROPOSAL: WHO WE ARE
Amazon EC2 Microsoft Azure OPTIONS
Pay As You Go 4 Virtual Cores - $529 per month. $529 per month * 12 months = $6,348 $6,348 * 3 years = $19,044 MICROSOFT AZURE
Pre Paid 4 Virtual Cores - $0.568 per hour 24 hours * 365 days * 3 years = 26,280 hours 26,280 hours * $0.568 per hour = $14, MICROSOFT AZURE
Pay As You Go 24 hours * 365 days * 3 years = 26,280 hours 26,280 hours * $0.973 = $25, AMAZON EC2
Pre Paid 24 hours * 365 days * 3 years = 26,280 hours 26,208 hours * $0.408 per hour = $10, $10, for 3 years + $971 down payment = $11, AMAZON EC2
COMPARISON Pre PaidPay As You Go Amazon EC211, , Microsoft Azure14, ,044.00
Cost Efficient Almost Unlimited Storage Backup and Recovery Easy Access to Information Environment Friendly ADVANTAGES
Technical Issues Security in the Cloud/Prone to Attack DISADVANTAGES
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