What…like? Her friend asks Stella about her tour last year. She says: Tell me about Rome. What’s it like? Is she asking if Stella likes the places she visited? Is she asking Stella to describe the places she visiting?
What is/are X like = Tell me about X. What …like? Asks for a general description of people, places, or things. “What’s London like?” “It’s big and noisy, with a lot of parks.” “What’s Stella like? “She’s very nice, very intelligent, and pretty.” Here, LIKE is a preposition. Don’t confuse it with LIKE used as a verb (I like Coke/Do you like swimming?)
Practice Stella’s friend asked her some more questions about New York. Complete the questions using What is/are … like? 1. Friend: What ……..like? Stella: It’s cold in winter and hot in summer. 2. Friend: What …. Like? Stella: Well, they’re interesting, but they can be a bit rude.
3. Friend: What … like? Stella: It’s wonderful. You can find food from every country in the world. 4. Friend: What … like? Stella: They’re very modern and very, very tall. Some of them are sixty floors high. 5. Friend: What … like? Stella: They’re open all the time, and you can buy everything you need.
What was the journey like? What was the entertainment like? What was the night life like? What were the people like? What were the roads like? What were the other guests like?
How’s your sister? Asking about her health!