Five ideas of houses
bunglow a low house, with a broad front porch having either no upper floor or upper rooms. The term was first found in English from 1696 where it was used to describe bungalows Bungalows are very convenient for the homeowner in that all living areas are on a single- story and there are no stairs between living areas Neighborhood's of only bungalows offer more privacy than similar neighbourhoods with two- story houses The Federation Bungalow style swept across Australia as early as 1891
Cape cod cottage is a style of house It is traditionally characterized by a low broad A Cape Cod cottage is a style of house originating in New England in the 17th century The Cape Cod cottage style (and in turn its Colonial Revival descendant of the 1930s–50s) originated with the colonists who came from England The Pilgrims designed houses that provided safety from New England’s extreme winter climate They were made of wood, and covered in wide clapboard or shingles. Most houses were smaller, usually 1,000–2,000 square feet in size
Crafts man A crafts man house built from a plan like a sketch or drawing The American Craftsman style along with a wide variety of related but conceptually distinct European design movements developed out of the British Arts and Crafts movement going on since the 1860s. In the late 1890s, a group of Boston’s more influential architects, designers, and educators was determined to bring the design reforms begun in Britain by William Morris to America. Its first meeting They succeeded in opening the first American Arts and Crafts Exhibition in April 1897 The exhibition's success led to the formation of The Society of Arts and Crafts in June 1897, with a mandate to “Develop and encourage higher standards in the handicrafts
Log house A log cabin is a house built from logs. It is a fairly simple type of log house. A distinction should be drawn between the traditional log cabin log houses for export were manufactured in Norway from the 1880s until around 1920 The logs in log houses have a varying degree of moisture content; all logs have moisture when freshly cut Logs that are cut from the forest, brought to a mill or to a log-house construction yard, have their bark removed and are used to build a log-house shell During the 1920s the first American milled log houses appeared on the market
Ranch style The ranch house is noted for its long, close-to-the-ground profile and minimal use of exterior and interior decoration. First built in the 1920s, the ranch style was extremely popular Their popularity waned in the late 20th century as neoeclectic house styles The raised ranch is a two story house Wide eaves of a typical ranch house, this one built in 1966 in California