Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Prov 22:6 KJVTrain up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Prov 22:6 KJV Ephesians 6:1 (p.898)Ephesians 6:1 (p.898) The GOAL of Parenting is to help our kids choose to be Fully Devoted Followers of Christ.The GOAL of Parenting is to help our kids choose to be Fully Devoted Followers of Christ.
For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child. …For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. Hebrews 12:6, 10For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child. …For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. Hebrews 12:6, 10 God is your Parent – how is He growing you?God is your Parent – how is He growing you?
Genesis 22:6-8 (p.17)Genesis 22:6-8 (p.17) Isaac saw the living faith of his father.Isaac saw the living faith of his father.
David Huggins: Inspire them at a young age and try to get them involved in the church in all ways possible.David Huggins: Inspire them at a young age and try to get them involved in the church in all ways possible. Jenny Davis Riley: Talk to your kids about God in the mundane, everyday moments of life. Faith is more than just Sunday mornings.Jenny Davis Riley: Talk to your kids about God in the mundane, everyday moments of life. Faith is more than just Sunday mornings. Rebecca Varpness: Take risks for Christ and when everything fails praise God... and teach the Westminster Catechism. Whoot whootRebecca Varpness: Take risks for Christ and when everything fails praise God... and teach the Westminster Catechism. Whoot whoot
Jason J Herring: live grace and love, model grace and love, and when the inevitable searching and questions and bad decisions happen show grace and love...Jason J Herring: live grace and love, model grace and love, and when the inevitable searching and questions and bad decisions happen show grace and love... Serena Sinclair: Pray often with all kinds of prayer so they understand prayer doesn’t just happen at dinner. And don’t be afraid to let them see you on your knees.Serena Sinclair: Pray often with all kinds of prayer so they understand prayer doesn’t just happen at dinner. And don’t be afraid to let them see you on your knees. Jill Camilla May: Pray with them, not just for them or over them for bed and dinner. Let them hear what you are asking God for and how you interact with Him.Jill Camilla May: Pray with them, not just for them or over them for bed and dinner. Let them hear what you are asking God for and how you interact with Him.
Laurie Ash Bunnel: I say model. The research out there on faith transfer indicates that parents who raise kids with lasting faith into adulthood have the primary goal in parenting of raising kids who love God and others. Basically Deuteronomy 6Laurie Ash Bunnel: I say model. The research out there on faith transfer indicates that parents who raise kids with lasting faith into adulthood have the primary goal in parenting of raising kids who love God and others. Basically Deuteronomy 6 Randy Beasley: Research has shown engaged service of all family members within the church, and children who lead another to faith remain connected to the church following adolescence.Randy Beasley: Research has shown engaged service of all family members within the church, and children who lead another to faith remain connected to the church following adolescence.
Vera Thomas Gremling: Live it and talk about it...not "I'm so wonderful..." but more along lines of "this is how I struggle and this is how God helps me with my struggles." I guess that means to be vulnerable and don't pretend you know everything and share the journey with them.Vera Thomas Gremling: Live it and talk about it...not "I'm so wonderful..." but more along lines of "this is how I struggle and this is how God helps me with my struggles." I guess that means to be vulnerable and don't pretend you know everything and share the journey with them. Jaime Ramirez: I apologize to my kids when I show a lack of patience or frustration. I tell them that Daddy still makes mistakes and that I pray to God for the strength to keep growing into a better me.Jaime Ramirez: I apologize to my kids when I show a lack of patience or frustration. I tell them that Daddy still makes mistakes and that I pray to God for the strength to keep growing into a better me. Jessica Balam: Live it.Jessica Balam: Live it.
Genesis 21:8-11Genesis 21:8-11 Why won’t Abraham discipline?Why won’t Abraham discipline? Discipline is an expression of love.Discipline is an expression of love. God is growing you as you are parented and pareting.God is growing you as you are parented and pareting.
Genesis 14:11-16Genesis 14:11-16 When to rescue? When to allow them to go through hardship?When to rescue? When to allow them to go through hardship?