Name of Organization : UNESCO Target Countries : INDONESIA Cost of Action : US$ ,- Stakeholders : Indonesian Disaster Management Society, KOGAMI, Humanitarian Forum Indonesia, Muhamadiyah Disaster Management Centre, and The National Agency for Disaster Management Indonesia Beneficiaries: Communities in disaster prone areas BUILDING MODELS FOR DISASTER PREPAREDNESS
ActivitiesBuilding Models in Padang Dissemination in Nias Island Regional Seminar Preparedness Tools Development
Implementation process Overall Objective: Build the resilience of communities to natural disasters by strengthening national and local institutions, mechanism and capacities for disaster risk reduction
Implementation process Project Purposes: Development and promotion of assessment tools to measure community preparedness for multiple range of hazards Development and promotion of assessment tools to measure community preparedness for multiple range of hazards Development of a model community for disaster preparedness at national and regional level Development of a model community for disaster preparedness at national and regional level
Key Achievements PASTI – Preparedness Assessment Tools for Indonesia PASTI – Preparedness Assessment Tools for Indonesia SERANGAN SI BENCANA – Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction for local community SERANGAN SI BENCANA – Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction for local community
PASTI – Preparedness Assessment Tools for Indonesia Assessment of the Existing Tools by Experts from Practitioners, Universities, and civil society Assessment of the Existing Tools by Experts from Practitioners, Universities, and civil society Decision on type of Hazards Decision on type of Hazards Development of Preparedness assessment Tools Development of Preparedness assessment Tools Testing the tools development in 9 area: Testing the tools development in 9 area: Flood Jakarta, Flood Jakarta, DroughtKidul DroughtKidul TyphoonKediri, TyphoonKediri, Forest Fire Samarinda, Forest Fire Samarinda, Mudflow Surabaya Mudflow Surabaya Earthquake Bengkulu, Earthquake Bengkulu, Tsunami Padang Tsunami Padang LandslideBanjarnegara LandslideBanjarnegara TsunamiAceh TsunamiAceh
Tool Pilot Test: Tool Pilot Test: Jakarta, Jakarta, Jogja Jogja Kediri, Kediri, Mentawai Mentawai Maumere Maumere Nias Nias PASTI – Preparedness Assessment Tools for Indonesia Preparedness Tools Development
Partners Disaster Management National Agency - BNPB Disaster Management National Agency - BNPB Indonesian Society for Disaster Management – MPBI Indonesian Society for Disaster Management – MPBI Humanitarian Forum Indonesia - HFI Humanitarian Forum Indonesia - HFI Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre - MDMC Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre - MDMC Surfaid International Surfaid International PUTER Foundation PUTER Foundation UN Technical Working Group on DRR UN Technical Working Group on DRR Consortium on Disaster Education - CDE Consortium on Disaster Education - CDE
Household school subdistrict gov’t Padang’s preparedness Padang City’s Prepardness Index in Anticipating Disasters
Documenting the process of Padang City Model Documenting the process of Padang City Model Pilot Tested the Model in Nias District Pilot Tested the Model in Nias District Socialize and promote the model in Siberut and Sikka District Socialize and promote the model in Siberut and Sikka District SERANGAN SI BENCANA Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction for local community
A guideline to measure pre level of resilience and what are the strategies to achieve resilience level expected together A guideline to measure pre level of resilience and what are the strategies to achieve resilience level expected together This guideline is designed by collaborating The Constitution of Indonesia No. 24 of 2007 and monitoring indicator of HFA This guideline is designed by collaborating The Constitution of Indonesia No. 24 of 2007 and monitoring indicator of HFA The guideline has been used recently to measure the resilience level in Padang city, Padang Pariaman District, Pesisir Selatan District, and Nias District The guideline has been used recently to measure the resilience level in Padang city, Padang Pariaman District, Pesisir Selatan District, and Nias District
Building Models for Disaster Preparedness in Padang City Determining The Resilience Level at The Present Time Governmental System Forming of Sub National Platform Strategy Arranging on Resilience Enhancement Monitoring and Evaluation Determining The Expected Level of Resilience Community System School System Implementation
Strategy for The Community Form Disaster Management Team (in vulnerable area and safe area) Form Disaster Management Team (in vulnerable area and safe area) Risk analysis by using participatory method Risk analysis by using participatory method Community planning Community planning Local Action Plan Local Action Plan SOP of emergency SOP of emergency Emergency response training Emergency response training Socialize the planning to 200 households Socialize the planning to 200 households
Risk Analysis
Community planning
Building Tents Training
Extinguishing Fire Training
DMT trained women in making evacuation plan
Disaster Management Team in the community
Strategy for School Form the Disaster Prepared Team at School, consist of teachers, students, school keeper Form the Disaster Prepared Team at School, consist of teachers, students, school keeper Increase the capacity of DPT by holding certain trainings and designing specific documents, ex: SOP Increase the capacity of DPT by holding certain trainings and designing specific documents, ex: SOP Develop school curriculum Develop school curriculum Training for teacher Training for teacher Implementation the curriculum at school + regular evacuation drill Implementation the curriculum at school + regular evacuation drill
Strategy for The Government Form Working Group Form Working Group Develop Local Regulation : Perda PB No.3 Tahun 2008 Develop Local Regulation : Perda PB No.3 Tahun 2008 Build BPBD : Disaster Management Division Build BPBD : Disaster Management Division Develop Strategic Planning and Local Action Plan Develop Strategic Planning and Local Action Plan Develop SOP on emergency – Command Post Centre Develop SOP on emergency – Command Post Centre Training for government officer Training for government officer
Regional Seminar
Tsunami Alert Community - KOGAMI Tsunami Alert Community - KOGAMI Local Agency for Disaster Management – BPBD Local Agency for Disaster Management – BPBD Local Government representatives Local Government representativesPartners
Lessons Learned Based on the field testing of the tools, it is considered user friendly and can be used by local government, communities, NGOs (national and local) and INGOs however, a simple training to use the tool is still needed Based on the field testing of the tools, it is considered user friendly and can be used by local government, communities, NGOs (national and local) and INGOs however, a simple training to use the tool is still needed Due to the limited period of time of the project, the tool has not been widely distributed in Indonesia Due to the limited period of time of the project, the tool has not been widely distributed in Indonesia There are request to make the tool available in English (currently it is only available in Bahasa) There are request to make the tool available in English (currently it is only available in Bahasa)
Lessons Learned The period of time in implementing process influent the impact t of the strategy and the quality of outcomes The period of time in implementing process influent the impact t of the strategy and the quality of outcomes The commitment of focal points either in the government side, community and school endorse the enhancement of resilience level The commitment of focal points either in the government side, community and school endorse the enhancement of resilience level It is very important to know the administration procedure of the related institution It is very important to know the administration procedure of the related institution
How the outcomes will be sustained… Work in with the Government, BNPB at the National levels to issue the tools as BNPB tool to the local government Work in with the Government, BNPB at the National levels to issue the tools as BNPB tool to the local government Trained the BPBD on how to use the tools Trained the BPBD on how to use the tools Actively involving Disaster Prepared community in the BPBD program Actively involving Disaster Prepared community in the BPBD program
Strengthening the outcomes Strengthening the outcomes Designing the program to support the outcomes that has been accomplished Designing the program to support the outcomes that has been accomplished For example : For example : Building infrastructure to strengthen the evacuation planning, such as : vertical evacuation building that can be managed by Disaster Management Team in Community
Institutionalization of Program Institutionalization of Program Work with the government to assure the program has legalization to be implemented For Example: Legalize the local law of Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Curriculum at school Legalize the local law of Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Curriculum at school Hold annual competition on disaster preparedness, such as: jamboree, visual aid competitions, etc Hold annual competition on disaster preparedness, such as: jamboree, visual aid competitions, etc
Future plans Widely socialization in Indonesia Widely socialization in Indonesia Conduct training on how to use the tools in different area Conduct training on how to use the tools in different area Replicate the successful model to other districts Replicate the successful model to other districts Scope of activity will depend on availability of Fund from Government, Local Government as well as Donors
From 2006 to 2009 UN-ISDR through UNESCO support Padang city in increasing capacity on disaster risk reduction From 2006 to 2009 UN-ISDR through UNESCO support Padang city in increasing capacity on disaster risk reduction UN-ISDR has been delivering IDR (66,3 8% from total budget that KOGAMI needs to implement DRR in Padang city by 2009) UN-ISDR has been delivering IDR (66,3 8% from total budget that KOGAMI needs to implement DRR in Padang city by 2009) Partnership history
Supported by UNESCO Supported by government and other donors
The Achievement of DRR in Padang city By using HFA indicators which developed by KOGAMI and UNESCO-ISDR, the resilience level of Padang city increased. In 2005, Padang was in level 1 In 2008, Padang is in level 3
Preparedness in Padang City – Observation Based on the earthquake that hit Padang City in 4 years, we can compare the situations as explained below: Variable The Strong Earthquakes in Padang City 10/4/200513/9/200716/8/2009 Shaking± 20 seconds± 2 minutes± 20 seconds Panic5 hours1 hour15 minutes 2 died -accident1 died0 died People don’t know where to go and what to do People evacuated to higher ground People just went outside house Activities stopped almost for one week – no clear information Activities run normally after people got clear information Activities run normally after shaking stops