Communications Strategy Day 2
Communications Strategy Planning Communications Strategy Planning
What is communications? Is not an “anyone can do it if you have to” task. An ongoing exchange of information (iterative process): relevant to audiences integral to the stages of the policy process conducted on a formal or informal basis
What is a communications strategy? A well thought out or carefully devised plan for broadcasting differences A means of elaborating how we network, participate & interact with the world (e.g. to influence policy) Is not an optional or fringe plan to be left to junior personnel or consultants (out-sourced)
What if there is no communication strategy? Difficult to measure activities not planned and organised More reactive than proactive communication Random activities not well thought out Duplicating efforts Mis/un-targeted messaging Sometimes you may not necessarily need a communications strategy...its possible to do communication activities without one.. But what are the limitations to not having a communications strategy
Internal and external communications It is important when thinking of communications to think of it in terms of Internal as well as External communications.
Internal communications Keeps everyone in the know. Allows sharing of ideas. Synchronising messages. Singing the same song / speaking the same language. Easy when it comes to handing over. Can you think of other reasons why internal communications should happen
External communications Key messages for communication Audiences/Stakeholders/Key people (segmentation) Activities to carry out Requires a communications strategy* 5Ws & H – the Who, What, When, Why, Where & How. *Communications strategy can cover both internal and external communications.
Communications strategy steps What are the essential elements / steps of a communications strategy?
Steps in a communications strategy Organise a committee Analyse the situation Develop objectives Identify audiences ON FLIP CHART What we have here are steps for guiding your team: (Could Ask SOMEONE to READ or could list these on a flip chart up in front of the room) : The process starts with: 1. Creating an advocacy committee ; then moves to 2 Analysing the situation; 3. Developing policy- relevant advocacy objectives from problems or issues that have been indentified in research or survey data; 4. Determining who the audiences are, what they know and what they need with regard to your subject; 5. Build partnerships and network to increase the numbers of advocates! 6. Developing messages that are tailored for the different audiences; 7. Determining the best channels, formats and activities to deliver the message; 8. Designing an action plan 9. And a plan for evaluating the impacts of your work Build partnerships Develop messages Select channels Develop action plan Evaluate
Step 1: Establish a communications committee Committee members could include: Staff from main implementing agency Researchers Members of relevant professional associations Members of partner organizations Members of the audience you are trying to reach (news media, religious leaders, etc)
Step 2: Analyse the situation Analyse the situation carefully to understand the message & provide solid rationale for sharing.
Step 3: Develop Objectives *What do we want our communications to achieve? Are our objectives SMART? Policy communication objective Raise awareness among policymakers about need for increased resources of ICT equipment. Program objective Increase the number of rural users of ICT or increased use of ICT by rural health workers… One distinction to make in developing objectives is to make sure you’re starting with a communication objective rather than a program objective---- The reason we’re communicating or advocating is to bring about a change in policies or programs or resource allocations---------- The objective should be contributing to bringing about that change …. The first step is developing clear communication objectives: this is the hardest part of the process, particularly if you’re working with complex, sensitive issues and possibly conflicting data sets. But if you set yourself up with clear objectives, the rest of the process should flow.
Develop Objectives and expected outcomes Help journalists better understand the benefits ICT in poverty reduction, or its use amongst rural health workers . Quantity and quality of news coverage about ICT use by rural health workers
Step 4: Identify the audience Primary Who can directly affect policy on your issue? Secondary Who can influence those policymakers? Who can stop being an obstacle? Step 2 -Identifying the audiences - When we think about audiences it helps to segment them into at least three groups: Primary audiences - those that can directly affect policy like program staff or high-level officials who will ultimately make the policy decision Secondary audiences are all the individuals or groups that can influence policy decisions: these are the opinion leaders and include reporters and media executives, heads of professional associations, community leaders, and women's groups. Informal: advisor, spouse, secretary And the last Audience - Opposition forces. Those that are not likely to be pleased with research implications or your objectives - and may require special attention/actions in your plan. Can be members of either the primary or secondary groups. Research has shown that communications can be more effective when directed at various audiences at the same time - so the likelihood of impacts is increased to the extent that different groups are all talking about the same issues. [Developing a database of opinion leaders and providing them with an ongoing stream of materials - fact sheets and poll data - to keep them informed and engaged in your issues] And once you've identified the audiences - it's also useful to identify individuals who are in positions to serve as "policy champions" - respected, spokespersons for your cause
Who are possible audiences? Political leaders Governemnt officials Programme managers Private sector Educators Business/Civic leaders News media Donors Religious leaders Professional associations Women’s groups * This is not an exhaustive list...
Know your audiences Who do they listen to? What do they know about your topic? Are they interested in your topic? What are the best ways to reach them? (formats and channels) Know your audience - Who do they listen to? (Here's where the secondary audiences come in) What do they know about your topic and do they have any interest in it? Again, you'd have to have a different set of objectives if you're starting from scratch. And what's the best way to reach your audiences? What kind of formats or channels are the most appropriate? If you don't have the answers to these questions - one way to find out is through audience research - Focus groups and Key Informant Interviews.
Step 5: Build partnerships Enlist relevant organisations and individuals to join the advocacy movement to: Augment the numbers Strengthen the talent pool Forming partnerships can be challenging! Put into place participatory mechanisms Identify roles and leadership structure
Step 6: Developing messages Start with the data and analysis Present two to three points maximum Tailor the message to fit the audience Deliver through a credible source Avoid technical jargon Four Tips for developing the messages: (1) Keep the number of key messages for each group to a maximum of two or three - and deliver those same messages consistently to that group. You can certainly use different spokespersons - but everybody should be singing from the same sheet. (2) Tailor the message to fit the audience - it's the audience that should drive message content. The policymaker is likely to be most interested in one aspect of what you have to present - What's in it for me? (3) Make sure the message is delivered by a source the audience finds credible - "The messenger is often as important or (sometimes) more important than the message itself. (4) Keep the message at the level of the audience - avoid technical jargon - Using words or phrasing that conjure positive images - better to say family planning or child spacing than population control
Step 7: Communication channels and activities Face-to-face (Interpersonal): Workshops, seminars Conferences, meeting Press briefings Mass media Press Broadcast (Radio and TV) New Media: Internet websites *Select formats that are most appropriate for your audiences.
Step 8: Action plan Key Questions For whom When By what means By whom How often How many To complete the plan - last practical step is to devise an action plan. The actual nuts and bolts of the plan is often overlooked or given short shrift by planners. And it's so important to establish a schedule that states to whom the messages are being sent, when, by what means, who is going to do it , how often and in what volume. And then - figure out if you've got enough resources. Put that thought last! Hate to see specter of limited resources stifle creative juices too early in the planning process.
The devil is in the details Specify: Advocacy activities - outline a detailed work plan What resources are needed (human and financial) Be alert to opportunities! Are there any upcoming events that will support your objective? Brainstorm on opportunities. For Timeliness and Timing: Policy communications is an ongoing process, but for maximum impact - Information will be more relevant if it is attached to other issues that are of concern at the moment. (Next Slide) You don't want to miss any opportunities: So incorporating quality time for brainstorming on upcoming events as part of your regular planning can help avoid those last minute rushes to produce materials or get on the agenda.
Step 9: Evaluation Performance Were all the activities implemented, delivered and on time? Impact Did activities bring about the desired change? And last but not least is evaluation - Did you make a difference? Keep track of performance or process outputs to guide future work. Were you able carry out all the activities in the expected timeframe? For measuring impacts - here's where it's critical to have those clear results (indicators) spelled out from the beginning -
Effective communication strategies rely on: Audience-centered approach Ongoing communications activities Disseminating information at the right time, for the right length of time
If well designed Communications activities and materials can create demand More requests for information In conclusion: More influence over policy
Key aspects of a communications strategy: Objectives Target individuals/organisations Activities Responsible people/person Timeline Budget Monitoring and evaluation
Keep It Simple : the Good and the Bad “The last time we did an advocacy strategy and plan, it was 80 pages and took six months.” Communications specialist - CERPOD, Bamako, Mali
Task: Identify 3 to 5 communication objectives and consider how you will achieve them Target group/organisation/person Interventions/activities Responsible person Timeframe Budget Monitoring and evaluation: Expect to see Like to see Love to see
Summary: Communications Strategy Why a communications strategy is important Internal and external communications Steps in a communications strategy Learn from others: good and bad strategies Be both proactive and reactive in communications