HIV Quality Learning Network Model AIDS Institute, NYSDOH Food and Nutrition Quality Learning Network Quality Learning Network Johanna Buck, Quality Consultant October 13, 2006
HIV Quality Learning Networks: Goals Improve the quality of HIV care and services Improve the quality of HIV care and services Strengthen the quality infrastructure of HIV providers Strengthen the quality infrastructure of HIV providers
HIV Quality Learning Networks: Goals Increase competency in performance measurement and quality improvement strategies at the provider level Increase competency in performance measurement and quality improvement strategies at the provider level Provide an opportunity for ongoing networking and peer learning Provide an opportunity for ongoing networking and peer learning
HIV Quality Learning Network: Framework Quality of Care Performance Data Quality of Care Performance Data Specific HIV Quality Program Specific HIV Quality Program Peer Learning Peer Learning Targeted Coaching and Support Targeted Coaching and Support
Quality of Care Performance Data Identify common issues through performance data Measure tests of change Monitor changes in performance scores
Quality Program Model HIV-specific quality infrastructure supportive of performance measurement and quality activities Inclusion of HIV specific quality improvement in overall organizations goals for quality
Infrastructure thanks to Bruce Agins, MD
Peer Learning Model Exchange of ideas through Quality Learning Network activities –half or full day meetings, provider presentations, website, conference calls and next steps mailings Sharing of successful strategies and best practices Dissemination of innovation
Targeted Coaching and Support Assist providers as needed in identifying quality infrastructure needs and developing action plans – organizational assessment Assist providers as needed in identifying quality infrastructure needs and developing action plans – organizational assessment Provide guidance as needed in developing specific quality improvement projects and in selecting and testing changes Provide guidance as needed in developing specific quality improvement projects and in selecting and testing changes Support and sustain quality efforts Support and sustain quality efforts
Expectations for Participation A “point person” as key contact for Network activities A “point person” as key contact for Network activities Regular attendance at meetings and conference calls Regular attendance at meetings and conference calls Complete an annual organizational assessment with a quality consultant Complete an annual organizational assessment with a quality consultant
Expectations continued.. Design and implement quality improvement projects Design and implement quality improvement projects Ongoing communication with organizational leadership Ongoing communication with organizational leadership
Organizational Assessment Components Organizational Assessment Components Quality Structure Quality Structure Quality Planning Quality Planning Quality Performance Measurement Quality Performance Measurement Quality Improvement Activities Quality Improvement Activities Staff Involvement Staff Involvement Evaluation of Quality Program Evaluation of Quality Program
Assessment Process Assessment allows exchange of information Assessment allows exchange of information Areas of highest priority become apparent Areas of highest priority become apparent Resources can be identified and deployed Resources can be identified and deployed Re-assessment tracks progress Re-assessment tracks progress
Current and Planned Quality Learning Networks Title I Mental Health Title I Mental Health Case Management Case Management Adult Day Treatment Adult Day Treatment Substance Use Substance Use Treatment Adherence Services Treatment Adherence Services NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation HIV Primary Care NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation HIV Primary Care Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Coming soon: Harm Reduction and Housing Networks Coming soon: Harm Reduction and Housing Networks
„Knowing is not enough; We must apply. Willing is not enough; We must do.“ Goethe