Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training in Turkey Şennur Çetin Head of the VETDG Social Partners and Projects Group 12 DECEMBER 2013 ISTANBUL
The main target of METEK Project under our General Directorate is to: create a feasible, measurable and sustainable national quality system in the Vocational Education and Training.
Main Activities within the Project: - Monitoring, evaluating and supporting the quality practices at the school level in vocational education and training, - Conducting studies for developing a quality culture in the society, - Developing and revising a curriculum, -Organizing trainings for trainers and managers -Conducting career guidance and counselling trainings, - Performing activities to raise awareness in public for developing a quality culture in vocational education and training.
Project Components
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF QUALITY ASSURANCE COMPONENT Establishing Vocational Education and Training Quality System and Quality Development Centre Preparing Draft Strategy Report Preparing Self-Evaluation Implementation Guide and Training Preparing Quality Management Standards: Reference and Guidance Manual
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF QUALITY ASSURANCE COMPONENT Promoting Quality Culture Organizing Information Days on Quality Implementations National Quality Assurance System (NQAS) Pilot Implementation - Information and Support - Monitoring and Evaluation Works on Legislation
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF EDUCATON COMPONENT Curriculum Development Studies - Building the Capacity of Curriculum Development Working Group -2., 3., 4. ve 5. Level Curriculum Development / Revision 91 draft occupational standards in 22 areas (analyses) have been developed for occupations for which national occupational standards are not applicable. Framework training programmes are being developed based on the learning outcomes. - Supporting the Development of Assessment and Evaluation Approach Regarding Modular and Competency-based Curriculum
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF EDUCATON COMPONENT Activities for Improving Qualifications of Trainers and Managers - Building the Capacity of Trainers Training and Curriculum Development Working Group -Conducting the Study Visits - Current Situation Analysis for In-Service Training for Trainers and Managers of Vocational Education and Training in Turkey - Trainers and Managers Training 10
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF TRAINING COMPONENT Vocational Guidance and Career Consultancy (VGCC) Activities - Building the capacity of VGCC Working Group - Graduate Tracking System - VGCC Services Training of Educators - VGCC Seminars - VGCC Seminars for Disadvantaged Groups - Improving the Quality of EUROPASS Implementation
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PROMOTION COMPONENT Career and Information Days Meetings on Successful Examples from the Sector Cooperation Meetings with Social Partners
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND INTRODUCTION COMPONENT Conferences on collaboration with social partners and labor market Periodicals and Publications Competitions, Study Visits 13