facebook Friar Lawrence is on his way to the Capulet crypt. WallPhotosFlairBoxesFriar LawrenceLogout View photos of Friar Lawrence (5) Send Friar Lawrence a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Verona, Italy Birthday: April 1, 1442 Political: Italy of Values Religion: Christian Hometown: Verona, Italy Friends FJRomeoJuliet NurseEscalus Friar Lawrence is on his way to the Capulet crypt. August 3, 1490 Mercutio Friar Lawrence Juliet is so distraught about marrying Paris. I hope she doesn’t mean it when she says she’ll kill herself. August 2, 1990 Friar John to Friar Lawrence I could not send the message to Romeo… August 3, 1490 Friar Lawrence That potion better work on Juliet. It’s a pain to conjure up a potion that fakes deaths. August 2, 1490 Friar Lawrence I get as mushy as a rotten apple when I view a sweet marriage of lovers like Juliet and her Romeo. August 1, 1490 Friar Lawrence Even though Romeo is rushing things, I feel a marriage between a Montague and a Capulet will put the vile quarrel between the families to an eternal sleep. August 1, 1490
Personal Information facebook Friar Lawrence is on his way to the Capulet crypt. WallPhotosFlairBoxesFriar LawrenceLogout View photos of Friar Lawrence (5) Send Friar Lawrence a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Verona, Italy Birthday: April 1, 1442 Political: Italy of Values Religion: Christian Hometown: Verona, Italy Photos Networks: Verona, Italy Sex: Male Birthday: April 1, 1442 Hometown: Verona, Italy Relationship Status: Single Political Views: Italy of Values Religious Views: Christian Activities: Praying, marrying, reading the Bible, helping the sick, counseling, studying plants, making drugs Interests Botany, Christianity, weddings Favorite Music: Hymns, Gospel Favorite Movies: It’s A Wonderful Life, The Exorcist, The Passion Favorite TV Shows: Science Channel shows about botany. Favorite Books: The Old Testament, The New Testament, The Exorcist The Church Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Weddings Updated two days ago Contact Information Address:The Roman Catholic Church of Verona, 1777 Christian Dr. Verona, I Italy13277 Phone Number:(942)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesFriar LawrenceLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Friar Lawrence 5 Photos Friar Lawrence’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Church 5 photos Weddings 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Friar Lawrence is on his way to the Capulet crypt.