European Project “Under Construction” Presentation of ANAEPA – Italy Capacity Building Rome meeting March 14th, 2008 Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission
ANAEPA – ITALY Capacity Building How to define it… …is the creation of an enabling environment with appropriate policy and legal frameworks, institutional development, including community participation, human resources development and strengthening of managerial systems
ANAEPA – ITALY Capacity Building capacity building is a long-term, continuing process, in which all stakeholders participate (ministries, local authorities, non- governmental organizations and groups, professional associations, academics and others. (citation: UNDP )
ANAEPA – ITALY Capacity Building Capacity building is also defined as the "process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in the fast-changing world." –(Ann Philbin, Capacity Building in Social Justice Organizations Ford Foundation, 1996)
Capacity building is the elements that give fluidity, flexibility and functionality of a program/organization to adapt to changing needs of the population that is served. ANAEPA – ITALY
For Construction sector associations to deliver their services to the associated members, some factors are key: –1) Accrediation and positioning vis a vis the institutions –2) Positive relations with the media –3) The study and the elaboration of the day to day changes in the surrounding environment ANAEPA – ITALY
Access to a privileged channel of dialogue with the istitutions, in order to: –receive information –provide information –Be ‘always there’ –These aspects all together can be defined as ‘accreditation and positioning’ ANAEPA – ITALY
In order to be accredited and well positioned, an organization has to be: –Reliable –Transparent –Credible –Informed and informative –Available –(other factors: size, turnover, number of employees, number of companies …) ANAEPA – ITALY
Positive relations with the media can be built over the time, with a constant work: –Direct contacts –Provide reliable information –Regular contact campaign –Think ‘as if you were them’ All these aspects together should allow the organization to be consulted and to avoid the creation of an ‘negative perception’ among public opinion or key stakeholders
Study of the day to day changes. The structure and the officials of the organization should be constantly informed about the: –Political positions –Public declaration of key stakeholders –Media orientation ANAEPA – ITALY
The work that the two associations CNA and ANAEPA have done in the case of the preparation of the bill of law is a concrete example of what we are discussing ANAEPA – ITALY
CNA and ANAEPA have been able to create a positive environment around their organizations, and inside the institutions ANAEPA – ITALY
CNA and ANAEPA have demonstrated to: –have the ability to ‘understand the issue’ and the surrounding environment; –Have excellent political accreditation and positioning –Have positive relation with the media ANAEPA – ITALY
In this way, the two associations deliver a tangible and significant result to their members, by preventing the elaboration of provision that could penalize or damage their members ANAEPA – ITALY