Presentation for the Benchmark Group Meeting 7 April 2003 Andrew Winder, ISIS WP2.3 leader (National Programme Level Analysis)
Monitoring and Analysis of Selected National Transport Research Activities in Europe Briefing on the Terms of Reference for Programme Monitoring
1.Objectives 2.Scope 3. Information collection 4.WP2.3 pilot phase 5.Conclusions
Objectives – 1 Overall objective of WP2.3: “Monitoring of national and institutional transport RTD activities (programme level)” Analysis of existing transport research programmes and structures for each country within the European Research Area (ERA). Provision of national input material for upload to the Knowledge Centre
Scope Types of programme included: National governmental programmes National research funding mechanisms (major government-sponsored research outside a formal national programme) Major sub-national (e.g. regional) programmes, of relevance and interest on a national / European level Bilateral or multilateral programmes between countries Major national non-governmental research programmes (public or private sector) involving more than one actor, including those by charitable trusts.
Information Collection Information to be collected (where available) on forms developed in D2.2 “Transport RTD reporting system”: Programme acronym / programme identifier Programme or sub-programme Name (in original language and English translation) Programme level (national, regional, European, etc) Country / countries involved Type of institution leading the programme Programme duration
Information Collection (continued) Background to the programme Programme objectives Programme organisation and transport policy context Programme stakeholders Number of projects covered by the programme Some examples of projects Type of funding, funding arrangements and conditions Contact details for further information (incl. Website)
Information Collection (continued) Process: Forms to be filled in by the sub-contractor and (where possible) by national project and programme co-ordinators Possible sources: programme and project websites brochures, reports, etc information or contact persons supplied by BG member existing personal contacts in national programmes/projects Validation: subcontracting partner (for quality/consistency) BG member (for accuracy) WP leader (final check)
WP2.3 Pilot Phase Objectives: To test the reporting procedure and gain experience with a limited number of countries (using main partners and 2 major subcontractors) To enable the consortium to estimate resource requirements To provide some advance output for the Knowledge Centre
WP2.3 Pilot Phase Six countries treated: 4 large EU Member States (all to be treated by project partners in PAG) - France - Germany - Italy - United Kingdom One EFTA country (treated by a subcontractor) - Switzerland One EU Candidate Country (treated by a subcontractor). - Czech Republic
WP2.3 Pilot Phase Resulted in Deliverable D2.3: “Synthesis of Selected National Transport RTD Activities in Europe (Programme Level, Pilot Phase)” Generic main text on the methodology 100 programmes or other funding streams listed for the 6 pilot countries Some large programmes with numerous sub-programmes e.g. Predit in France, Mobilität und Verkehr in Germany Many small programmes - some highly relevant to the TRKC, others less so Demonstrates the need to be selective
Overview of Research: Example Switzerland – 1 National level: Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE): - Transport Co-ordination/Basics section, covering research in 10 thematic areas Swiss Federal Roads Authority (FEDRO/ASTRA/OFROU) - Strategy and Research division is co-ordinating and commissioning a broad range of research projects Swiss Association of Road and Transportation Experts (VSS) Swiss Association of Transportation Engineers (SVI) Federal Office of Transport (BAV) Federal Office for Civil Aviation (BAZL) Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (BUWAL)
Overview of Research: Example Switzerland – 2 National level (continued): Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE) Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS) Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Federal Office for Education and Science (BBW) Centre for Technology Assessment TA-SWISS Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Urban and Landscape Network (NSL) Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Paul Scherrer Institut Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA)
Overview of Research: Example Switzerland – 3 Sub-national level: Institute for Economic Research and Institute of Microeconomics and Public Economy: - Research in the fields of transport economics, environmental economics, external costs of transport, modal split, choice behaviour, freight transport, transport efficiency Interdisciplinary Centre For General Ecology (IKAÖ): - Focus is on contributing to a sustainable development of actors on regional and communal levels Institute for public services and tourism (IDT) Universities of Applied Science
Summary of Pilot Countries Heterogeneous levels and organisation of research in different countries: - some are concentrated in large national programmes (e.g. France, Czech Republic) - some are more ad-hoc funding oriented without formal programmes (e.g. Italy) - some involve a very wide variety of national public institutions (e.g. Germany, Switzerland, Italy) - some have strong regional programmes (e.g. Germany) - some involve a large number of independent / non- governmental organisations (e.g. UK)
Briefing materials provided D2.2 Common European Transport Research Reporting Scheme, includes : reporting forms guides worked examples D2.3 Pilot Phase Programme Level Report, includes : types of national programmes to analyse further worked examples of forms using national programmes and sub-programmes in France, Germany and Italy
Next Steps Finalisation of data in Programme level forms (Pilot countries) – April 2003 Updating Terms of Reference and kick-off of full national analysis – early April 2003 Final AG/BG validation of programme forms for pilot countries – mid-May 2003 Uploading of information for pilot countries onto the Website when launched – end of May 2003 Completion of Programme Level analysis for all countries – October 2003 Constant monitoring and updating – Input from AG / BG Mid-project update of programme level – November 2004
Conclusions Subcontractors responsible to their partners, not to the BG BG is there to assist, “open doors” to information sources, advise on priority programmes and projects, and to validate work Output has a clear added value for ERA countries – most countries do not possess a single overview of all their national programmes related to transport
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