OVERVIEW OF QUESTIONNAIRES A.(SQ) focused on local/ regional scale aggregates extraction activities (General Questionnaire on Mineral Policies) B.(SQ-R) focused on local/ regional scale aggregates recycling activities
A. General Questionnaire on Mineral Policies Half of the partners have submitted the filled formsHalf of the partners have submitted the filled forms Since some of the participating countries are represented by more than one partner and the general SQ reflects the status qvo by country, there is lacking information for 3 (HUNGARY, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA) out of 10 countries.Since some of the participating countries are represented by more than one partner and the general SQ reflects the status qvo by country, there is lacking information for 3 (HUNGARY, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA) out of 10 countries. Compatibility of the different answers is an issueCompatibility of the different answers is an issue
A. General Questionnaire on Mineral Policies) 1GeoZSSLOVENIA SARMa WP3 QUESTIONAIRE SQ GeoZS.doc 2MULAUSTRIA WP3 QUESTIONAIRE SQ_15 January.doc Austrian_Minerals_ Plan_SQ.doc Austrian Federal Waste Plan_2006_.pdf 3IGME GREECE (GR) WP3 GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE.doc 4TUC GREECE (GR) 5PELLA SARMa WP3 QUESTIONAIRE.doc-1 (Αποθηκεύτηκε αυτόματα).doc SQ - final.doc 6MBFHHUNGARY 7ANPARITALY 8ERITALY sq.doc 9PARMAITALY 10IGRROMANIA 11FGGROMANIA SARMa SQ FGG.doc 12RGFSERBIA SARMa WP3 QUESTIONAIRE FINAL_RGF.doc SARMa SQ- KOSOVO.doc 13MGK10 BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA 14MINGORPCROATIA 15METEALBANIA Exchange of Best Practices Questionnaire-final[1]-Albania.doc MINING LAW OF ALBANIA.doc permits form-eng- sarma[1].doc
1. Does your country or region have a mpp? 1GeoZSSLOVENIA YES: YES: National Mineral Resource Management Programme 2009 – 2019 (NMRMP) is considered as mineral policy, including mineral planning policy. 2MULAUSTRIA NO: NO: Currently no mpp is established but preparations are on their way. 3IGMEGREECE (GR) NO: NO: mpp is declared through other laws (i.e. incective) 4TUCGREECE (GR) 5PELLAGREECE (GR)YES??? 6MBFHHUNGARY 7ANPARITALY 8ERITALY YES? YES? Mineral Planning is regulated by a single law, the “Regio Decreto 1443/1927” 9PARMAITALY 10IGRROMANIA 11FGGROMANIA NO: NO: but elements of a mineral policy are incorporated in the Mining Industry Strategy for RGFSERBIA NO: NO: There is one draft of the new mineral policy not yet officially accepted. 13MGK10 BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA 14MINGORPCROATIA 15METEALBANIA YES: YES: The Mining Strategy of Albania was approved on July ICMM KOSOVO (OBSERVER) YES: YES: Green Paper , Mining sector strategy White Paper 2007
2. Are minerals considered during land use planning? 1GeoZSSLOVENIA YES: YES: no particular reference to aggregates is present. 2MULAUSTRIA YES: YES: Each type of mineral is considered by AMRP. 3IGMEGREECE (GR) YES??: YES??: Only aggregates are considered (identification of quarry areas). 4TUCGREECE (GR) 5PELLAGREECE (GR) 6MBFHHUNGARY 7ANPARITALY 8ERITALY YES: YES: Aggregates are related to the requirements defined by urban planning 9PARMAITALY 10IGRROMANIA 11FGGROMANIA YES: YES: All minerals subject to the Mining Law no. 85/2003 are considered. 12RGFSERBIA YES: YES: Aggregates are considered as one of the important mineral resources of Serbia. 13MGK10 BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA 14MINGORPCROATIA 15METEALBANIANO: 16ICMM KOSOVO (OBSERVER) YES: YES: All types of minerals in Kosovo are considered. Aggregates are treated equally as all types of mineral resources in Kosovo
3. Are there planned areas where aggregates’ extraction is permitted? 1GeoZSSLOVENIA NO: NO:. some areas are more preferable then others. 2MULAUSTRIA YES: YES: AMRP intends to establish mineral protection zones, where mining is permitted. 3IGMEGREECE (GR) YES: YES: Quarry zones are identified by Law 2115 at prefectual level. 4TUCGREECE (GR) 5PELLAGREECE (GR) 6MBFHHUNGARY 7ANPARITALY 8ERITALYYES 9PARMAITALY 10IGRROMANIA 11FGGROMANIA YES: YES: Areas are set out by NAMR at national level, in accordance with the provisions of the Mining Law no. 85/ RGFSERBIA NO: NO: There are no specific areas. it depends on the national, regional and local availability of the potential location. 13MGK10 BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA 14MINGORPCROATIA 15METEALBANIA YES: YES: They are identified at national and regional level 16ICMM KOSOVO (OBSERVER) YES: YES: In Kosovo exist areas for future mining licencing
4. Strengths & Weaknesses of Land Use Planning 1GeoZSSLOVENIA Design at local level (S/W), Acceptability (W) 2MULAUSTRIA Design at province level, Envir/tal Issues (Ws) 3IGMEGREECE (GR) Design at local level (S/W), Envir/tal Issues (W), Acceptability by local communities (W) 4TUCGREECE (GR) Envir/tal Issues (W), Acceptability by local communities (W) 5PELLAGREECE (GR) No comment?? 6MBFHHUNGARY 7ANPARITALY 8ERITALY Regional/provincial/municipality strategy(S) Regional/provincial/municipality strategy (S) 9PARMAITALY 10IGRROMANIA 11FGGROMANIA No comment?? 12RGFSERBIA Loose description in the Land Use planning difficulties from local authorities (W) 13MGK10 BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA 14MINGORPCROATIA 15METEALBANIA No comment?? 16ICMM KOSOVO (OBSERVER) Specification of the answer on managerial issues
5. Data Accesibility / 1 1GeoZSSLOVENIA YES: YES: Public, industry and authorities (on line (PDF file) or hard copy). The “Mineral Resource Database - MRD” is maintained by GeoZS, used for land use management. Aggregates are also covered. All types of protected areas are considered. Relevant authorities update the database and provide it to the central institution – Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia (ARSO). Information on internet in the form of ArcMap shape file, freely downloadable. 2MULAUSTRIA YES: YES: Compiled information on aggregate deposits, available for the authorities. General information, available for the public, the industry and the authorities. Detailed maps, on quality and quantity are confidential and only available for the authorities. All types of protected areas are considered. Most of the information is presented in the GIS systems of the provinces. Information on land-use planning is still available for the public e.g. on the Internet. 3IGMEGREECE (GR) YES & NO: YES & NO: Geological map sheets (hard copies 1:50.000) available for all. The Portal of IGME is under construction. Decision on levels of accessibility is under discussion. A Data base on mine & quarry sites of the Ministry of development is available via Internet. 4TUCGREECE (GR)
5. Data Accesibility / 2 5PELLAGREECE (GR) No: No: no any information on aggregates resources or reserves available for the public, industry and authorities to view. 6MBFHHUNGARY 7ANPARITALY 8ERITALY YES: YES: No specific map resources, instead all plans are publicly available as printed/digital documents. Natura2000 areas & and Regional Plan for Landscape/Scenic protection are covered. Data available in public as maps and technical guidelines. 9PARMAITALY 10IGRROMANIA 11FGGROMANIA YES: YES: NAMR, mainly, maintains the register of mineral resources/reserves, including production data and monitors annual changes. Data available upon request, hard copy. Inventories are held for each deposit (license). Maps with the location at 1: can be provided. No awareness for the use of data.
5. Data Accesibility / 2 12RGFSERBIA YES: YES: information on aggregates resources or reserves is available mainly for authorities via archive of the Ministry of Mining and Energy. Upon request, also for companies. Currently, information is not used for land use planning. All protected areas are covered, data available upon request. 13MGK10 BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA 14MINGORPCROATIA 15METEALBANIA YES: ( YES: (limited) for the public in a gis (geological map 1: , mineral map 1: 25000). Different presentation on the website of mete for the geological resources of different minerals. For the industry and authorities the information is on two agencies GSA, NANR. Data is used during the planning of licensing process, development plans for the rural areas. 16ICMM KOSOVO (OBSERVER) YES: YES: Quarry plan of Kosovo 1:50,000. Data accessible via internet and Archive. Protected areas considered: Mining zones for construction minerals, Nature protection zones, Water protection zones & Historical Monument protection zones. The archive of ICMM since 1953, all interested parties have direct access.
B. General Questionnaire on Recycling Less than half of the partners have submitted the filled formsLess than half of the partners have submitted the filled forms Since some of the participating countries are represented by more than one partner and the general SQ-R reflects the status qvo by country, there is lacking information for half of the participating countries.Since some of the participating countries are represented by more than one partner and the general SQ-R reflects the status qvo by country, there is lacking information for half of the participating countries. Compatibility of the different answers is an issueCompatibility of the different answers is an issue We are not yet in the position to pre-evaluate the answers. Modifications / re-adjustment of the questionnaire are envisaged.We are not yet in the position to pre-evaluate the answers. Modifications / re-adjustment of the questionnaire are envisaged.
PRIMA VISTA INTERPRETATION OF ANSWERED SQs Development of MPPs has started very recently in some of the PPs’ countries, or not started yet. Mineral Policy has not been a priority, so far.Development of MPPs has started very recently in some of the PPs’ countries, or not started yet. Mineral Policy has not been a priority, so far. Land Use Planning, in general considers mineral raw materials in most of the countries. Aggregates are treated equally to other resources. For some of the countries, aggregates are considered an important natural resource.Land Use Planning, in general considers mineral raw materials in most of the countries. Aggregates are treated equally to other resources. For some of the countries, aggregates are considered an important natural resource. Data availability as well as levels of accessibility differ within participating countries.Data availability as well as levels of accessibility differ within participating countries.