Concepts of information literacy
What does information literacy mean to you? Discuss in pairs 15 minutes One person from each pair will report back
Terms used in libraries Library skills Library instruction Bibliographic instruction Information skills
Information literacy information literacy encompasses knowledge of ones information concerns and needs, and the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, organize and effectively create, use and communicate information to address issues or problems at hand: it is a prerequisite for participating effectively in the Information Society, and is part of the basic human right of life long learning (UNESCO, 2003)
Information literacy an intellectual framework for understanding, finding, evaluating, and using information – activities which may be accomplished in part by fluency with information technology, in part by sound investigative methods, but most important, through critical discernment and reasoning … able to recognise when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information ( ALA, AC&RL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, 2000)
Information literacy Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner (CILIP,1999)
Wikipedia definition Take a look at: literacy
Information literacy The critical literacy for the 21 st century (Bruce, 2003) A critical life-skill
IFLA 2006 IL Theme Transitions to College: How Information Literacy Answers the Knowledge Society Challenge As a result of the Internet, dramatic changes have affected the way information is stored, located, and retrieved. Many students feel that libraries are no longer relevant and that everything they need can be found using search engines on the Web. A rude awakening may be in store when they discover that their college or university professors require them to use scholarly resources. Information Literacy is crucial to student success in an academic information environment. The ULS/ILS joint conference program will focus on effective pedagogy and best practices in teaching the skills students need to survive the critical first year of college and beyond.
Overlap with… Critical thinking Technology competency Problem solving Research skills
Information literacy and IT Information literacy is not synonymous with IT
Basis for IL definition and initiatives Central government –Promotes democracy and good governance Professional organizations –E.g. CILIP, ALA Business-based
Importance of IL To users e.g. a student New education models are based on Inquiry approach to learning rather than on transmission approach to teaching To prepare students to know and to be able to do To libraries Libraries as information literacy centres To institutions IL university – fundamental to teaching, learning and research activities Lifelong learning
Importance of IL To the work-force Workers are moving from routine to rich- thinking activities Workers need to be learning constantly, jobs are for a short-time span Education for future citizens is focusing on learning how to learn in information-rich environments
The Prague Declaration Towards an information literate society papers/outcomes.pdf
IL is … the legal tender for intellectual growth, the mechanism that shapes public opinion, and the stimulus that supports economic development. (Voices From the Future, The First International Information Literacy Coalition Conference)
Why is IL important in the S. Caucasus? Socio-political transition Socio-economic and political development is best advanced by people who recognize their need for information, and identify, locate, access, evaluate and apply the needed information (Lau, 2003)
Why is IL important in the S.Caucasus? Institutional strengthening –Need for valuable, accurate and up-to-date resources Require a strong pool of researchers –To help facilitate policy-makers and public institutions in their role in civil society –Information professionals and end users who know how to work with information
Information literacy – current issues Greater expectations to provide IL training Resources –Staffing of programmes –Production of materials Ways of providing web-based IL
Readings Andreatta, Susie. (2005). Information literacy: A Practitioners Guide. Oxford: Chandos Press. Bruce, C. S (2002) Information literacy as a catalyst for educational change: A background paper
Readings Durisin, Patricia. (Ed.). (2002). Information literacy programs. New York: Hawthorn Information Press. Gibson, C. (2004). Information literacy develops globally: The role of the national forum on information literacy. Knowledge Quest, 32(4). March/April 2004, p [2] Kiondo, E. & J. Msuya. (2005). User information literacy: Case studies from university library programmes in the SCANUL-ECS region. Oxford: INASP & SCAUL-ECS.
Readings Martin, A.& H. Rader. (Ed.) (2003). Information literacy and IT literacy: Enabling learning in the 21 st century. London: facet Publishing. White paper prepared for UNESCO, US National Commission on Libraries and Information Science and the National Forum on Information Literacy fullpaper.pdf
Forthcoming Conference Voices From the Future: The First International Information Literacy Coalition Conference Hosted by The University of the Virgin Islands and the National Forum on Information Literacy, December Take a look at the issues being discussed
IL around the globe Take a look at what is happening at rlinfolit/infolitresources/global/ m
Exercise Current practices in your institution See exercise handout