The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) – Plenary and Ministerial Summit, Mexico City Briefing to Geneva Missions Barbara J. Ryan Director, GEO Secretariat Geneva, Switzerland 18 May 2015
What are Earth Observations?
To realize a future wherein decisions and actions, for the benefit of humankind, are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information. GEO Vision
Improve and coordinate observation systems globally Provide access to data & information Advance broad open data policies/practices Build capacity GEO Objectives
A Global System of Systems
GEO Membership
© GEO Secretariat 87 Participating Organizations
GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, South Africa, USA, Diversitas, GBIF, IUCN) * Response to CBD * Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) * Global high-res bio-climatic map * Arctic and French Biodiversity Networks * Strong outreach Metzger et al.- in review. High-resolution bioclimatic map of the world
Rapid & Open Disasters Information (Germany, Italy, Japan, Turkey, USA, CEOS, EPOS, ESA) * Hawaii Supersite fully operational * 3 new Supersites (Europe) * Supersites selection & definition * In-situ and space data * All data online
Global & Local Urban Footprints (China, EC, Germany, Greece, Italy, Pakistan, USA) * 35-yr evolution of 26 mega-cities * Global night-time lights for 2012 * Urban Heat Island patterns * Over 3’700 cities mapped using ASTER (15m) Manila
Global Forest Information System (Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway, USA, CEOS, FAO) * Forest Carbon Tracking * Demo in 12 Countries * Coordinated space data acquisition * In-situ validation * Regional capacity building growing Mexico In-situ forest measurements Columbia
* “Blue Planet” Initiative * GOOS implementation * Global/region ocean forecasting systems * Ocean-color networks (ChloroGIN, FARO) * Applications to fishery and aquaculture Bridging Ocean Communities (Canada, UK, CEOS, GOOS, IOC, POGO, WMO)
Crop Information for Decision-Making (Canada, China, EC, France, Japan, Kazakhstan, India, Mexico, Russia, USA, CEOS, FAO, WMO) * GEOGLAM part of G20 Action Plan on Food Price Volatility * New crop outlook * Rice crop monitoring
GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for AMIS Operational since September institutions, 22 countries + 7 international organizations Global map for the 4 AMIS crops (Maize, Wheat, Soybean, Rice) August 2014 Crop Conditions Rice 28 August 14
GEOSS Portal GEO Infrastructure GEO Discovery & Access Broker
131 Million Assets About 35 brokered data providers... More than 14 Million accessible resources (mix of data collections and datasets)... Publish Contain More than 131 Million assets (mix of satellite scenes, raingage, streamgage records, etc.)...
19 Mexico Ministerial and GEO-XII GEO Week 9-13 November 2015 Mexico City Patricia Geddes – Giovanni Rum –
Mexico Ministerial – 13 November 2015 Call for Governmental Action Invitation sent to Ministers from the Minister of Foreign Affaires Ministers will be Invited to Adopt the Declaration - currently under consultation Provide Guidance on the Priorities for GEO for the next decade
Elements of the Declaration Recognizes: humanity faces unprecedented social, economic and environmental challenges at global, regional, national and local levels Acknowledges: GEO Initiatives with Full Open Access of Earth Observations Data, Information and Knowledge has delivered tremendous value to countries and citizens
Declaration Endorses: the GEO Strategic Plan for the period as a way forward when Earth observations will play a critical role in informed and sound decision-making for the betterment of Humankind Commits: greater engagement and genuine dialogue with users to better understand how Earth observations will be useful to them and, accordingly, develop appropriate information, tools and products
Declaration Recommits: core Data Sharing Principles and invite GEO members and other governments and organizations to make data available and accessible Commits: Strengthen and facilitate participation of Developing Countries through Regional Initiatives Agrees: Revisit GEO Initiatives and consider new ones to meet new challenges.
Week at a glance
Monday 9 Hotel Hilton Reforma Tuesday 10 Hotel Hilton Reforma Wednesday 11 Hotel Hilton Reforma Thursday 12 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Friday 13 Ministry of Foreign Affairs GEO Executive Committee Meeting Ministerial Summit Draft week at a glance GEO Side Events GEO XII GEO Side Events GEO XII Reception GEO XII Ministers Dinner Caucuses GEO Side Events UN-GGIM Americas LAGF-Latin America Geospatial Forum