Lesson 2 “Resources of the Northeast”
Grapes and Cranberries Why can grapes grow well in the Northeast region? The warm air creates just the right conditions for a plentiful grape production. The Northeast has the right climate for the grape’s long growing season. Grapes need to have 205 days before they can be harvested.
Vocabulary Words The largest of Finger Lakes (the Great Lakes). Lake Seneca Bog The largest of Finger Lakes (the Great Lakes). An area of soft, wet, spongy ground.
How to Prepare a Bog The swampy ground must be leveled and cleared. Then, it is covered with sand for good drainage. New cranberry plants are then pressed into the sand in the bogs.
Video for Harvesting Cranberries
Water is essential for cranberries to grow! In winter, water freezes over the bogs to protect the plants. Water protects the plants against insects and disease in the spring. 3. In the fall, air pockets cause cranberries to rise when they are flooded.
Preparing Sap to Maple Syrup 1 In early Spring WHEN TEMPERATURES WARM UP, a hole is drilled into the trunk of a sugar maple tree. 2 A spout is put into the hole and sap runs through the spout into a bucket. 3 It is then emptied inTO a large barrel and taken to a sugar house. 4 At the sugar house , they boil the sap to evaporate all the water. 5 Then you are left with only the true syrup. 6 It takes 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of true maple syrup.
Review of Lesson 2 1. Shown below is a sequence of events when producing maple syrup. Fill in the missing steps. 1 The days grow warmer. 2 3 Sap is collected in buckets. 4 Why are grapes able to grow in certain areas of the Northeast? 3. What is the name of the largest lake of the Finger Lakes? 4. Why is water important in the production of cranberries?