The army life website plan BY jaike lightfoot
Website structure Index page This section will be my home page, which will include all of my information and what my website is about and what you can do on it. My second page will be a blog and my address. My third page will be all about my help the heroes and charity advents and what is going on in your area. Army cadets
Topic of my website My website is based about the British army, and how to get there training and how to join. Also, this will include a charity page for help the heroes. I am doing this website, as I have an passion to join the army, as well as I'm in the army cadets. My website is not a band, not a club, just a learning website to help you decide what best for you. I could say at my website is a sport website, as I am going to include a page all about the fitness. To Gather the most views for the website, i will need to make each individual page suitable for the audience. The audience of the website, will be aimed at, Young teenagers and adults. This is because, they will be starting to make there own choices in life. The colour for the website needs to be grown up and mixes in with Army topic. The pictures and video’s will need to be suitable for young teenagers but also interesting for the adults. The text will need to be formal so adults and teens can understand the text easily.
My website template This is my website banner, that contains pictures, texts and buttons. The banner will be seen on every page on the website, when a button is selected. I have done this so people can still see what the website banner looks like on every page, as well as people can move freely from one page to another easily. Image 1 picture o regular trope. Image 2 picture of group of troops. Text 1 Button 1Button 2Button 3Button 4Button 5
My final website template This is my finished banner of the army website. As you can see it is all relevant to the army, and the colours I use are also relevant. This will be seen in every page, and will contrast in colours.
Home Description of the website Photo of soldier Description of the army life and how it works Photo of soldier
The Planning of the first page “Home” The home page will have the font: Heading 3 There will be pictures of British soldiers. There will be description of the entire website and what to be expected throughout the pages. Give a polite notice saying “Enjoy”.
Charity Text Video Pi ct ur e
Planning of the “charity” page. This page will contain a short story about the poppy and how it came about. There will be a picture of a bright red poppy on a vintage background. I will also have a video from a charity event. There will be a link to the poppy website.
blog s and a blog centre Picture of soldier This is where people could write what they think abut my website and follow what we write.
The Planning of the “blog” The “Blog” will contain a place where you can submit how good you think the website is out of 5. this will get the website viewers the chance to express there opinions about my website. There will be three text boxes for the viewers to answer. There will be a few pictures of interesting equipment, that will be scattered around the page. there will be a description of where the pictures are from. The layout will contain headings and paragraphs.
Gallery Text of where the video is from Video Text of where the picture is from Picture Text of where the photo is from Picture
The planning of the “Gallery” page The “Gallery“ page will be full of photos and videos of what the Army are training to do, and how they do it. I will place in a YouTube video, which will be based on trainees (Privates) learning how to patrol an area. There will be a description of where the videos and photos came from. The layout of the writing will be paragraphs. This page will be based on interest for the people who visit the website. Full of interesting facts and stories.
Army Cadets Description of picture Picture Description of picture Picture
The Planning of “Army Cadets” For the Army cadet page, i will adding diffrent contents to make the page more creative and fun. My aim will be to inspire the younger generation to join the Army Cadets. There will be pictures of the Equipment we use. A description of the equipment and why the Army cadets use them. There will be a description of the local detachments around Kent. The layout of the page will be paragraphs, to make it easier for the people visiting my website to read.