8 th Grade Advisement February 13, 2013 Welcome Eagles! Student Success Through Leadership, Character, and Performance
EJCHS Administration Mr. Tim Stowers– Principal Ms. Palmer – Assistant Principal for Instruction Mr. Crumley – Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Mr. Johnson – Assistant Principal EJCHS Counselors Shane Chaisson Tundi Massey
EJCHS Administration 4x4 Block 4 classes each semester 8 classes total Carnegie Units Testing 1 st Semester2 nd Semester Class 1Class 5 Class 2Class 6 Class 3Class 7 Class 4Class 8
English English IEnglish I Honors Placement Requirements * Teacher recommendation based on - Standardized test scores - ELA grade - Mastery of standards - Motivation level - Work ethic Time Commitment * ½ of an hour of homework a few nights per week * 1 hour of homework most nights of the week Course Work For 1 st Unit * Literature pages of independent reading * Writing & Conventions - 1 essay + 2 short writings * Literature pages of independent reading * Writing & Conventions - 2 essays + 2 short writings Other Course Requirements * State-mandated EOCT * Mini group presentations Ms. Conway
Mathematics Ms. Akin CCGPS Coordinate Algebra w/Support CCGPS Coordinate Algebra Accelerated CCGPS Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry Part B
Science Mr. Shirley Environmental Science AP Environmental Science
EJCHS Social Studies Department Ms. Crouch 9 th Grade Course Offerings Civics/ Government* Honors Civics/ Government* AP Human Geography** * Meet graduation requirements set by the state of Georgia ** Students would still need to take Civics to meet graduation requirements set forth by the state of Georgia
World Language Ms. Rebekah Nunez French 1 is an option for Freshmen Spanish is an option for upperclassmen
Career Technical Agriculture Education Ms. Sims What is a CTAE Pathway? Career Pathways are a series of 3-4 sequenced courses within a state approved area of study. Once these courses are completed the student will have the opportunity to take National certification or licensure assessments.
CTAE Pathways offered at EJCHS: Agriculture Architectural Drawing & Design Army JROTC Broadcast Video Production Business, Marketing, Sales & Services Construction Family & Consumer Science Healthcare Science Career Technical Agriculture Education
Fine Arts Chorus Band Theatre Art Dance
Physical Education Health/Fitness* - ADAP Certification Body Sculpting Lifetime Sports Outdoor Education Weight Training *Required
General State Mandated Testing Advanced Placement (AP) Fees Scheduling Redesign Spring Meeting TAA – Teachers As Advisors