An introduction to Families Information Direct (FiND) and the Family Services Directory (FSD) April 2013
In a nutshell… One stop information and advice service for families and practitioners in Redbridge How to reach FiND Helpline (freephone) / Website Drop in Office currently in Hainault Outreach services 1:1 meetings, group sessions or events available on request
Strategic role of FiND
Family Services Directory (website) Gateway to thousands of local and national services Much more than just a directory 12,000 visits per month Maintained in partnership with partners
22 Children’s Centres across Redbridge More than 200 sessions available at any time Gateway to health, education, employment and family support services for families with 0 to 5s
All disability/ SEN services available to children and young people aged 0 to 25 years Informed Families is the main signposting service for support, advice and information
Parents and Carers Zone > A wealth of information! Childcare Education Employment Health Money Parenting Parenting through difficult times Places to go and Things to do Staying safe Young parents
Parents and Carers Zone > Health matters Information and advice portal for families on many health issues FiND works with health partners to maintain these pages
Parents and Carers Zone > Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding 25 services listed inlcuding breastfeeding cafes, workshops and ante/post-natal sessions Guidance for parents Links to other areas as relevant Maintained with the NELFT Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Team
Parents and Carers Zone > Speech and Language Development 29 services listed Guidance on: Ages and Stages, EAL and bilingualism, Tips for talking and stammering Maintained with the Speech and Language Therapy Service (SaLT)
Parents and Carers Zone > Mental health 27 services listed Guidance from MIND Links to other areas Still a work in progress Maintained with the Mental Health/ Substance Misuse forum
Parents and Carers Zone > Drug and alcohol misuse 22 services listed Guidance pages Links to other areas Still a work in progress Maintained with the Mental Health/ Substance Misuse forum
Parents and Carers Zone > Domestic abuse Guidance for families 45 services listed Cover your tracks Guidance for practitioners Links to other young people/Kids zones Maintained with the Domestic Abuse Forum
New domestic abuse leaflet (available April 2013) What is domestic abuse? Is abuse present in my family? What about my children? Your rights as a person Who can help? 17 services listed
Introducing MARCo
What is MARCo? An online tool for practitioners from all sectors Login feature enables some information to be restricted to practitioners Focus on directories and early intervention services How to access MARCo Via FiND website or through Redbridge i (keyword FiND or MARCo) Who is MARCo for? People from all sectors of the children and families workforce in Redbridge Where did it come from? Commissioned by the High Risk Families Early Intervention Strategy Group in October Official launch October 2012 What is on MARCo? Main foundation are the directories, including early intervention services Portals on data, maps, contacts, funding, training, local and national strategies
Directories and Early Intervention Services Directories bringing together the full range of services categorised by Council (226) Health (76) Private and voluntary (403) Other public (61) Commissioned services (58) Early Intervention services (617) Alternatively, ‘shop’ for services using filters to narrow down your search, by: age, postal area, days of the week, disability/additional need, local or national service, locality and subject (services by subject)
Services by Subject Word cloud illustrating the range of subject areas searchable within MARCo.
How to access the Early Intervention Services Directory
What’s in the secure areas of MARCo? Can MARCo be used to share or transfer files on families? No, MARCo is not for sharing of personal data Detailed contact lists of colleagues: e.g. PSAs, EWOs, EPs, SENCOs, CAF Team, FiND, Children’s Centres, SLTs Guidance and referral forms and ‘back office’ info, e.g. waiting lists, training materials, events, meetings and minutes
Progress so far…. 34,500 page views on MARCo since July ‘members’ from all sectors Positive feedback from all partners Local recognition as the place to come for information and resources National recognition as a beacon of good practice
More information... Contact Bruce Hausenloy at Families Information Direct (FiND) Freephone Website