E-Resource Use and the Role of the University Library
Objectives Review the factors that affect and determine the use of e-resources Explain the part played by the university library in enabling effective and sustainable use
Objectives (continued) Indicate constraints under which libraries work Suggest ways that academics and administrators can assist the library
Issues in E-Resource Use Technology Costs Management Training Content Medium
Technology essentials Dedicated Internet connection with sufficient bandwidth Campus backbone, LAN, WAN, and peripheral hardware, e.g. printers Computer workstations Appropriate software Support - maintenance, trouble shooting
Costs Capital (infrastructure) investment: network, bandwidth, hardware (computers, printers, etc.), software Maintenance: insurance, repair, depreciation, replacement, updating Staff salaries Training: staff and students Consumables: journals, databases, document delivery, paper, ink cartridges
Examples of costs Bandwidth: Makerere: $22,000 p.m. for 1.5Mbps/768Kbps Univ. Ghana: $10,000 p.m. for 1Mbps/512Kbps Infrastructure Set up an IT network: $75 per student Maintain an IT network: $50 per student p.a. Computer Initial purchase price of a Windows Computer is 20% of total cost of ownership over five years
Examples of costs (continued) Journal subscriptions Average per title in 2003: Social Sciences $758 Science $1,134 Medicine $661 Big deals (2004) Blackwells Synergy: 670 titles $630,000 Springer (Kluwer): 1,200 titles $840,601 Wiley: 520 titles $654,000
Management Selection and purchase variety of publishers and aggregators different delivery options annual subscriptions Legal implications licences and copyright Organization of information guides to relevant resources archiving evaluation of use
Training Users need to: know how to use a PC how to search for and find information resources be aware of resources that are available Different users have different needs: academics, researchers, librarians, students, administrators Different training strategies required for different users
Content Much WWW content is Western-orientated More locally produced content is required: online indexes to locally published material, e.g. AJOL, CARINDEX online local journals networked institutional repositories
Medium Physical collections can still be important: Print textbooks Core journals in hard copy Archives CD-ROM for back files of journals, databases for information retrieval
Role of the University Library Access to Internet and PCs Acquisition and administration of e-resources Guides to relevant e-resources User education Assistance in setting up VLEs Integration of traditional and digital materials
Access to Internet and PCs Adequate number of PCs and peripherals recommended library standard: 1 PC:25 students Supervised facilities trouble shooting, long opening hours, timetabled computer use Authentication Bandwidth conservation
Selection of E-Resources Is content suitable for programme needs? Is online the most appropriate medium? What are the licensing arrangements? What are the costs? Which delivery option is the most cost-effective? What are the archiving arrangements? Is e-journal identical to print? Does it have links to other sites?
Purchase of E-Resources Enter annual subscriptions Negotiate best terms Share costs with other libraries Use library consortia to bring down costs
Monitoring and Evaluation Collect statistics of online resource use: who uses, how and when What is the cost per article downloaded? Decide whether a particular subscription is worth its annual cost or whether the information could be obtained more cheaply by another delivery option
Guides to E- Resources What e-resources are available through the library? Which are the most appropriate resources? Library portals
User Education Formal training in information literacy for u- g students, combining IT skills with information handling skills Advanced subject-oriented training for p-g students Seminars at faculty or departmental level to introduce new e-resources One-to one workstation sessions
ICT-enabled Learning Input at departmental and faculty levels to curriculum development and programme assessment Provide library web pages with course related resources, e.g. list of journals held, full text of relevant articles, study guides for those undertaking research
Integration of Print and E- Resources Selection policy that combines, compares and contrasts all media Integrated access to all library holdings, e.g. through an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
Constraints Lack of funding leading to deteriorating buildings and collections, decline in use, demoralized library staff and marginalization of the library Lack of knowledge and skills in library staff Lack of understanding and knowledge amongst university staff about information access and delivery
What Can You Do? Some suggestions: Become an ICT-champion, promoting the use of e-resources in your department and university Become your departmental representative on the Senate Library Committee Campaign for the library to get its fair share of the university budget
What Can You Do? (cont.) Encourage the inclusion of funds for library resources in project proposals and budgets Talk to librarians and explain how you need them to assist in your teaching and research
Summary Providing access to e-resources is a costly and complex process The library impacts everywhere on the implementation and use of e-resources The library requires funds, skills and university-wide support to fulfil its role
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