Knowledge – based learning GROUP 1 – Feedback to the Rwanda team
Objective 1 A)Establish knowledge based project B)Generate necessary research to inform project analysis and decision making
Add Production Assess income and profitability at farm level – Cost of milk production (template, systems) – System for capturing productivity per cow Technology uptake /adoption – which technologies have higher vs lower uptake & factors (e.g., for AI) – Why synchronisation did not work Comparative study on public and private sector roles (Kenya and Rwanda) Disagreggate beneficiaries (e.g., by use of services) and document distributional impacts, including impacts of spillovers beyond milk (e.g., employment, transport, role of CP in pushing up and stabilising the price of milk, leverages) Use-friendly M&E system for use at both EADD and DFBA-level
Add Market Market/consumption study and modeling – disaggregate by alternative market outlets and profitability (e.g., CPs selling milk to non-processors) – What can various consumer segments afford (being done))? Impacts of dairy policies What are the practical ladders to climb towards transforming the informal into the formal? – What quality and safety regulated settings are acceptable for policy makers in relation to raw milk sales Investment opportunities for processors Promote milk consumption and monitor
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