swiss group for artificial intelligence and cognitive science
Mission & Goal Bring together researchers, practitioners and other parties interested in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science promote intelligent technologies for innovation in our society provide a platform for exchange on AI/CO between industry and universities discuss and disseminate AI/CO-related knowledge
History Founded in the early 80’s By Rolf Pfeifer Very active phase until End of 90’s Over 200 active members Very successful conference series on «AI in Banking» Great interest from industry Restart in 2012 Nearly 50 members Yearly national AI conference Very active AI research community in Switzerland
Current Activities 21./22. May th International Conference on Robotics Education Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HESSO-HEIG-VD) Yverdon-les-Bains6th International Conference on Robotics Education 12. June nd Swiss Workshop on Data Science SDS 2015 ZHAW Winterthur2nd Swiss Workshop on Data Science SDS 2015 November 2015 Annual Workshop and Assembly with special focus on Cognitive Science University of Geneva Also linked to Zurich Machine Learning and Data Science meetupZurich Machine Learning and Data Science
Initiative on AI/CO Education See who teaches what at Add your own lecture, seminar … Exchange and cooperate with colleagues
How To Join? Send an to and say that you want to become a member See details at