Presented by Mrs R Daniel CLLD Lead PHONICS Key Stage 1
Phonics in Key Stage 1 2
Phonics is: 3 Knowledge of the alphabetic code 26 letters 44 phonemes 144 combinations Skills of blending and segmenting
Terminology Phoneme = the smallest unit of sound in a word Grapheme = the written representation of a sound (phoneme) 4
Phases in Phonics Nursery: Phase 1- “Tuning into Sounds” Reception: Phase phonemes are taught Phase phonemes are taught Phase 4 – Blend & segment words with adjacent consonants e.g.(step, fast, twist, strand) 5
Year 1 Phase 5 Further graphemes for reading ay (day) a-e (cake) Alternative pronunciations for graphemes c (cat, cent) Alternative spellings for phonemes /igh/ pie by nice Reading and spelling of two-syllable and three- syllable words (e.g. dolphin, computer) 6
Quick game: How many different ways can you write the long ‘ai’ vowel sound? 7
The answer: 9 ai (pain) ay (day) a-e (make) ea (great) a (baby) ei (vein) eigh (eight) aigh (straight) ey (they) 8
Please read this sentence: “A rough-coated, doughed-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a lough, he coughed and hiccoughed.” 9
“ough” rough………………..……. uff dough………………..……. oa thoughtful…………..……… aw ploughman……………..….. ow through……………..….…. oo Scarborough………………. uh lough……………………… o coughed…………………… off hiccoughed………………... up 10
Year 1 Phonic Screening Check 11
Your turn! How many sounds? speedbroom crayonfoil shark crawl slightstraight 12
Your turn! How many sounds? speed4broom 4 crayon5foil 3 shark 3 crawl 4 slight4straight 5 13
Year 2 Phase 6 into Support for Spellings Read with increasing fluency Teaching spelling Introducing and teaching the past tense Investigating and learning how to add suffixes Application of spelling in writing Knowledge of the spelling system (e.g. ai and oi / ay and oy) 14
How can I help at home? 15
Useful websites 16