Melody Murphy AIL 605 The University of Alabama Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence? According to the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the definition of artificial intelligence is “the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines.” It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. John McCarthy defined AI in 1956 as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.” Today it is the necessary part of the technology industry, providing the heavy lifting in difficult problems in computer science. The central problems of AI include traits such as reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception, and the ability to move and manipulate objects. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (2008). Artificial Intelligence Overview. Retrieved on April 22,2009 from
Artificial Intelligence in Business Artificial Intelligence has been introduced in many businesses. – Honda – Asimo (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) XEkzMq7A XEkzMq7A – Toyota – Robot playing violin N2giygY N2giygY – Robot to make appointments based on face recognition sSzds sSzds Honda (2009). ASIMO. Retrieved from on April 22, 2009 from Youtube (2009). Toyota Robot. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from Youtube (2009). Receptionist Robot Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from
Artificial Intelligence in Business/Industry According to Rodney Brooks from Communication of the ACM, “the future promises lots of robots in our everyday lives; some perhaps many, of them could look and behave like people but only if being humanoid represents a technological advantage over their relatively utilitarian counterparts.” Meet Ema -- Eternal, Maiden, Actualization – Actroid Female Robot – – – Honda (2009). ASIMO. Retrieved from on April 22, 2009 from Youtube (2009). Japan’s Humanoid Hottie. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from Youtube (2009). AKIBA ROBOT FESTIVAL 2006: Actroid Female Robot Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from Youtube (2009). Actroid DER2 fembot - Face expressions. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from
Artificial Intelligence in Education In education, Artificial Intelligence has not made much headway. The one area where it would seem to be the most beneficial would be in the area of assessment. The reliance on standardized testing, intensified by the demands of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, holds schools accountable for whether students pass statewide exams. Standardized tests are graded consistently, with no allowance for individual student abilities or styles of learning, and no place for AI’s ability to decipher weaknesses. One progress in education that is being made – is advancement of having AI’s reading based programs. Example – 2007 version of Lexia Learning Systems. Ramaswami, Rama. (2009) Is the future now for A.I.? Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from ff ed7%40sessionmgr107&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=
Tutorial on AI Every Artificial Intelligence is different and controlled differently. I am going to explain how Asimo is controlled and used. ASIMO is controlled by a laptop computer or by a portable computer controller unit through a wireless network system. This permits more direct and flexible operation. A single operator can easily and fully control Asimo’s movement. Can ASIMO also be controlled by voice commands? ASIMO can comprehend and carry out tasks based on simple voice commands that have been preprogrammed into its onboard memory. Honda (2009). ASIMO. Retrieved from on April 22, 2009 from
Tutorial on ASIMO Can ASIMO recognize people and obstacles? ASIMO utilizes IC Communications technology to recognize people within its vicinity. ASIMO can also independently map its environment using its camera “eyes” and register stationary obstacles. ASIMO can store this data in an onboard map of its environment, then recall this data while walking in order to avoid these obstacles. ASIMO can recognize moving pedestrians in its walking path and stop momentarily until these persons have cleared the robot’s path. Honda (2009). ASIMO. Retrieved from on April 22, 2009 from
Tutorial on ASIMO Cont’d ASIMO’s intelligence lies in the technologies with which it is equipped, not in the ability to think or reason as a human. What powers ASIMO? ASIMO is powered by a 51.8v lithium ion (Li-ION) battery. ASIMO can operate for approximately 1 hour on a single battery. About 3 hours are required to completely recharge ASIMO’s battery. The battery can be recharged onboard ASIMO through a power connection, or the battery can be removed and charged externally. ASIMO’s battery weighs about 13 pounds (6 kg), and is located in its backpack. Honda (2009). ASIMO. Retrieved from on April 22, 2009 from
Using ASIMO How many cameras does ASIMO have? ASIMO is equipped with two cameras in its head. These camera “eyes” allow ASIMO and its operator to view the surrounding environment. These cameras can accurately judge distance from objects by using mathematical formulas and the stereoscopic nature of the cameras. Honda (2009). ASIMO. Retrieved from on April 22, 2009 from
References Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (2008). Artificial Intelligence Overview. Retrieved on April 22,2009 from Honda (2009). ASIMO. Retrieved from on April 22, 2009 from Ramaswami, Rama. (2009) Is the future now for A.I.? Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from b9b4- ff ed7%40sessionmgr107&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN= Youtube (2009). Actroid DER2 fembot - Face expressions. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from Youtube (2009). AKIBA ROBOT FESTIVAL 2006: Actroid Female Robot Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from YouTube (2009). Receptionist Robot Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from YouTube (2009). Toyota Robot. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from