Science in Our World
Section 1 Why are shells found on mountains or large salt deposits underground or in deserts? ASK QUESTIONS!!!!!! Not all questions can be answered immediately. Why is it important to ask questions?
Section 1 Science is all around us at all times. Soil, desert, wind, rain, animals, viruses, plants, sun, space, etc. Plenty of questions to stay busy. (Science News) First step of scientific process is to ask a question. You then need to look for an answer. You must come up with a way to find answers.
Finding Answers Research: ask someone who knows, Internet, textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines. Reliable source----What is a reliable source??? Observations: name some types of scientific observations. Experimentation: Can you make observations during an experimentation?
Science In Our World Chapter 1 – Section 1 Science: knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested
Types of Scientist There are many types of scientists. A few are: ◦ Zoologist is a person who studies the lives of animals. ◦ Geochemists are people who specialize in the chemistry of rocks, minerals, and soil. ◦ Mechanics are people who find answers to questions about why a machine is not working, find a way to make it work and find ways to improve how it works. ◦ Oceanographer studies the ocean. ◦ Volcanologist studies volcanoes ◦ Meteorologist: Studies the atmosphere—storms.
Science in Our Lives Name some ways science has helped our lives. One example is cars. How can science help our planet? How does science help you? Can science help save lives or our planet?
Science In Our World Chapter 1- Section 2 Scientific methods are a series of steps followed to solve problems Observation: process of obtaining information by using the senses. Observations can be made at any point in the process. Many types of observations: patterns, color, measurement. Can lead to answers when they are accurate and carefully recorded. Six Steps of Scientific Methods ◦ Ask a question ◦ Form a hypothesis ◦ Test the hypothesis ◦ Analyze results ◦ Draw conclusions ◦ Communicate results (Anne Found Twenty Adorable Dogs and Cats)
Section 2 Scientific Method Pg 10, the method can vary. Ask a question: this focuses the purpose of the investigation. A question is often asked after making an observation.
Scientific Method Form a hypothesis: When a question needs to be investigated. Hypothesis is a possible explanation or answer to a question. (educated guess) You must be able to test a hypothesis. Usually stated in an if-then format. Make predictions: before testing the hypothesis you will make predictions. Say what you think will happen. After predictions you can test the hypothesis. Can have more than one hypothesis?
Scientific Method Test the hypothesis: Test the hypothesis by gathering data. Data will help tell if the hypothesis is valid. Controlled experiment: Controlled experiment is an experiment that tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control group with an experimental group Variable is a factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis Data are any pieces of information acquired through observation or experimentation
Scientific Method Analyze the results. Can use tables and graphs. Draw conclusions: must conclude if the results support the hypothesis. Proving that the hypothesis is not true is as valuable as proving it true. If the hypothesis is not supported one can make a new hypothesis and repeat experiment. Ex. Thomas Edison. Communicate results: Share what you have learned.
Science In Our World Chapter 1- Section 3 Model or Prototype is a pattern, plan, representation or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system or concept. 55AC6248EE2DD14490CA55AC6248EE2DD14490C 55AC6248EE2DD14490CA55AC6248EE2DD14490C 55AC6248EE2DD14490CA55AC6248EE2DD14490C Types of Models: ◦ Physical: volcano model ◦ Mathematical: number line or bar graph; make predictions ◦ Conceptual: genus, species, weather map--(mental models).
Science in Our World Theory is an explanation that ties together many hypothesis and observations Law is a summary of many experimental results and observations; a law tells how things work Law of Gravity, Law of Conservation of mass.
Science In Our World Chapter 1- Section 4 Technology are the products and processes that are designed to serve our needs Engineering is the process of creating technology Engineering design process is the process engineers use to develop a new technology Prototype is a test model of a product Cost-benefit analysis its the process of determining whether the cost of doing something is worth the benefit provided.
Science In Our World Chapter 1- Section 4 Bioengineering: the application of engineering to living things, such as humans and plants Assistive bioengineering: engineering that results in a product or process that helps living organisms but does not change them permanently--contacts Adaptive bioengineering: engineering that results in a product or process that changes living organisms—eye surgery
Science In Our World Chapter 1- Section 5 Meter, m, is the basic unit of length in the SI (international system of units) Area is a measure of the size of a surface or a region Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object Volume is a measure of the size of a body or region in 3-dimensional space Temperature is the measure of how hot or cold something is Density is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume of the substance.
Section 5 Tools in science—anything that helps you do a task. What would be a tool for seeing something that is not visible to the eye? Measurement tools—graduated cylinder, stopwatch, triple beam balance, meter stick, thermometer, spring scale. Tools for analyzing: calculator, computer, graph paper.
History of measurement An inch use to be three grains of barley, foot was your foot. Very unreliable. International System of Units: 1700s—French Academy of Sciences—(SI) which is system of units. Page 32. Length: arm measurement can convert. Area: length X width. Ex cm2 Area of this room? Density is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume of the substance—mass over volume
Measurement Basic SI Units Meter (m)—Length Cubic Meter (m 3 ) or mL—Volume Kilogram (kg)—Mass Kelvin (K) or Celsius (C)--Temperature
Measurement Mass: the amount of matter that makes up an object. Kg, g, mg. Mass is a measure of how much matter an object has. Weight is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on that matter. Volume: is the amount of space that something occupies—measure of size of a 3-d body. Ex. bathtub full what happens if you get in? Length x width x height. 1 cm3 = 1 mL. Also called cc’s. Can figure volume by using a graduated cylinder. Temperature: Fahrenheit (F), Celsius (C), Kelvin (K). 0 C = 273 k. Absolute 0 is -273 C or 0 K. Molecular motion would be at its lowest. For temperature K is the SI unit. Look at safety on page 35.