Kick-off meeting 25-26 November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: 2008-2010 CARAVAN: Next steps Timothy Carter Finnish Environment Institute,


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Presentation transcript:

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: CARAVAN: Next steps Timothy Carter Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: CARAVAN: Work Packages

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: Timetable

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call:

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: Tasks and deliverables

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: WP 1: Management and co-ordination Responsible partner: SYKE Task 1.1: Project management, including responsibility for disbursement of funds, financial reporting, and periodic scientific reporting. Task 1.2: Development of project web site (Deliverable 1, Month 4) Task 1.3: Arrangement of project meetings, including tele- and vido- conferencing Task 1.4: Co-ordination, communication and oversight of project decision-making

Meetings 19 Aug 2008: Teleconference Nov 2008: Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: WP 2: Analysis, comparison and selection of indicators of exposure to climate change Responsible partner: LIU; Contributing partners: SYKE, UiO Task 2.1: Review of the literature on key climate variables determining exposure to climate change in the Nordic region and their projected changes during the 21st century Task 2.2: Compilation of list of potential indicators of exposure for the Nordic region (both common and country-specific) and their data requirements Task 2.3: Selection of exposure indicators to contribute to vulnerability mapping in WP 5 Task 2.4: Reporting of results on exposure (Deliverable 2, Month 12)

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: WP 3: Analysis, comparison and selection of sectoral impact models for assessing sensitivity to climate change Responsible partner: SYKE; Contributing partners: LIU, UiO Task 3.1: Review of literature on model-based estimates of future impacts of climate change in the Nordic region, focusing on key national resource sectors and climate sensitive activities Task 3.2: Compilation of list of potential indicators of sensitivity to climate change for the Nordic region (both common and country- specific) and their data requirements Task 3.3: Selection of sensitivity indicators to contribute to vulnerability mapping in WP 5 Task 3.4: Reporting of results on sensitivity (Deliverable 3, Month 12)

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: WP 4: Analysis, comparison and selection of indicators of adaptive capacity Responsible partner: UiO; Contributing partners. LIU, SYKE Task 4.1: Review of international literature on the factors determining the adaptive capacity of regions and communities to climate change, with special reference to the major climate-sensitive systems and activities in the Nordic region. Task 4.2: Compilation of list of potential indicators of adaptive capacity to climate change for the Nordic region (both common and country-specific) and their data requirements Task 4.3: Selection of adaptive capacity indicators as input for vulnerability mapping in WP 5 Task 4.4: Reporting of results on adaptive capacity (Deliverable 4, Month 12)

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: WP 5: Selection of vulnerability indices and vulnerability mapping for the present-day and future Responsible partner: SYKE, Contributing partners: LIU, UiO Task 5.1: Review of literature on approaches to quantitative vulnerability assessment Task 5.2: Selection of target sectors for mapping vulnerability in this study Task 5.3: Preparation of maps of alternative vulnerability indices for selected sectors at national scale in Norway, Finland and Sweden (Milestone 2, Month 18) Task 5.4: Preparation of common vulnerability maps across the Nordic region for an illustrative sector (Milestone 3, Month 18)

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: WP 6: Stakeholder engagement and reporting of results Responsible partner: SYKE, Contributing partners: LIU, UiO Task 6.1: First stakeholder workshop on vulnerability assessment with invited international researchers and municipality representatives (Milestone 1, Month 6) Task 6.2: Final stakeholder workshop (Milestone 4, Month 21) Task 6.3: Final report (Deliverable 5, Month 24) Task 6.4: Submission of joint paper to peer-reviewed article (Deliverable 6, Month 24)

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: Budget

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call:

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: SYKE funds

Kick-off meeting November 2008, SYKE, Helsinki, Finland Nordic Call: Notice Colleagues are welcome to incorporate these slides into their own presentations, assuming they are correctly acknowledged. However, the author would also appreciate being informed prior to the extensive use of this material in public meetings.