NTA Project in Thailand
About Thailand Location Thailand is situated in the Southeast Asia same Philippine and Indonesia Thailand borders the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Union of Myanmar, Kingdom of Cambodia and Malaysia Capital City Bangkok
About Thailand Education The adult literacy rate of Thailand in 2004 is 95.7 per cent The average years of education attainment for the population aged over 15 years was 8.1 in 2004
About Thailand Population millions persons at the end of 2003 Economic GDP: billion USD or billion baht (2003) Currency Exchange : THB/USD Unemployment Rate: 0.69 millions persons or 2.0% of the total labor force at the end of 2003
About Thailand Working Each year about 800,000 people join the labor force, with a literacy rate above 90 percent The minimum wage in Thailand is currently 175 baht per day (about US$4.00) in Bangkok, and between baht in other provinces / month /110 US$
About Thailand Health the concept of development in Thailand installed a new philosophy to declare that People = Goal of Development universal healthcare was introduced on October 1st 2001 at only THB 30 (at the average 2003 exchange rate) per hospital visit. Cover 96 % foreign patients receiving treatments in private hospitals in Thailand have enlarged to 385,000 people as standard of care have been high and these hospitals employ the latest medical technology while costs are much lower than in Western countries.
About Thailand “There is never a dull day in Thailand. Whether it is the Songkran Festival or the first cool breeze of the winter season, there is always something to make you smile, laugh, cry or get excited about. Thailand is a land of magic and mystery attracting beautiful natural resources and extraordinary culture, it is no wonder that Thais are such fun-loving people”
NTA in Thailand
Labor Income and Consumption in Thailand 2004
Labor income and consumption in Thailand 2004 (Per capita) Labor income and consumption in Thailand 2004 (Per capita)
Private Health Expenditure in Thailand 2004
Private Education in Thailand 2004 Private Education in Thailand 2004
Private Other Expenditure in Thailand 2004 Private Other Expenditure in Thailand 2004
Private Consumption in Thailand 2004 Private Consumption in Thailand 2004
Private Consumption in Thailand 2004 (Per capita) Private Consumption in Thailand 2004 (Per capita)
Public Health Transfer in Thailand 2003
Public Education Transfer in Thailand 2003
Public Education Transfer per head in 2003 Public Education Transfer per head in 2003
Public capital reallocation in Thailand 2003 Public capital reallocation in Thailand 2003
Indirect taxes in Thailand 2003
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