Problems with Labor Concept: Industrialization
Problems with labor Create your own graphic organizer – Fold the paper in half twice – Then fold the corner down In the Center Diamond write: Problems with Labor At the top of the other boxes write: – Unfair Conditions – Child Labor – Health and Safety – Labor Unions
Directions Use text to read about the topics. In the boxes of your graphic organizer write down bullet points that describe each of the topics. Should have at least 4 bullet points
Unfair Conditions
Health and Safety
Child Labor
Labor Unions
Assignment Using the information you have gathered complete ONE of the following tasks 1.Write a letter to the senator asking the government for help with these problems (1 page) 2.Create a Propaganda Poster aimed at bringing people’s attention to one of the problems discussed in class.
Letter to the Senator Must be 1 page in length Must have proper format (Dear, Sincerely etc) Punctuation and Grammar count Must include all of the major problems discussed in class. Must tell him what the government should do about it.
Propaganda Poster Must Have a Wow factor – make people stop and read it Must have a clear message Must be neat and colorful Must call attention to at least 1 of the problems discussed in class
Problems with Labor Project (25 pts) Letter to the Senator – Must be 1 page in length – Must have proper format (Dear, Sincerely etc) – Punctuation and Grammar count – Must include all of the major problems discussed in class. – Must tell him what the government should do about it. Propaganda Poster Must Have a Wow factor – make people stop and read it Must have a clear message Must be neat and colorful Must call attention to at least 1 of the problems discussed in class