Goals Project What I’ve Learned Challenges Reflection PRESENTATION FORMAT
Re-understanding the causes of child labor Connecting the attitudes of parents towards work and disability to child labor Recognizing the relationship between child labor and disability GOALS
PROJECT TIMELINE Concept Note Research Proposal Literature Review Field Visit Meetings
Child Labor Acceptance by Parents and Society Flawed Legal Framework Mixed Trends PREVIOUS FINDINGS
DisabilityStigmatization Barriers to Education Idleness or Working? PREVIOUS FINDINGS
RECENT UPDATES Critiques Normalizes forms of child labor Relaxes definition of hazardous occupations Praise Balance between socio- economic reality and need for education New funds for rehabilitation
Barriers Towards Inclusion 5 Day Training Lack of awareness of disability Insufficient Resources Problems with the community School Mapping Pressure from families Acceptance of Dropout Dropouts as a result of inadequate teachers Problems at home FIELD VISIT
STUDY IN KARNATAKA Need for the study ObjectivesMethodology Previous Findings
Child Labor Ambiguity between definitions Opposing viewpoints Complex solutions Disability Indian context Stigmatization Inclusion vs. exclusion WHAT I’VE LEARNED
CHALLENGES Lack of literature Creating my own timeline Finding an appropriate methodology
Research skills Adapting to new work environment Taking initiative REFLECTION