First Nations Technology Council Working on behalf of all First Nations in B.C. FNA4LM - May 18, 2011
FIRST NATIONS TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL Originally created by Summit Resolution to develop a Technology Plan for all First Nations in B.C. to address: high speed connectivity technical skills development technical capacity building; and, promoting the use of technology to revitalize culture and language Later Resolutions passed by FNS, UBCIC & BCAFN development of an integrated data/information management system set up a Common Services Organization
FNTC MISSION To support the full integration of technologies to improve the quality of life for all First Nations in B.C.
FIRST NATIONS INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICE Background: Referrals Workshop – Prince George Sept 2007 Land Referrals Workshop: How First Nations Collaboration with Industry and Government might Work - February 2008 MOU with ILMB – March 2008 User Needs Assessment Focus Group– March 2008
FIRST NATIONS INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICE FNISS work done to date: Gathering Provincial Natural Resources Policies and Legislation Conduct a Technical Systems Analysis of First Nations Systems that currently exist Document the Legal Framework Develop Strategy and Action Plan STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN AVAILABLE ON
FIRST NATIONS INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICE STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 1.Shared Services 2.Infrastructure 3.Applications and Tools 4.Data 5.Policies, Guidelines and Standards 6.Capacity 7.Communications
FIRST NATIONS INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICE FNISS-2: Shared Service – Community Needs Assessment (Survey online & on paper) CNA on line at www. Documenting the Operational Process of Applications in place or under development Environmental scan of Capacity Opportunities Communication Plan to build awareness of SAP
FIRST NATIONS INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICE FNISS-3 Capacity Building Applications and Software Data Access Business Plan and Communication FNISS-4 Never happened- GeoConnections pulled their funding back to work on internal projects
FIRST NATIONS INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICE Where are we now: FNTC is awaiting confirmation of our BCCI proposal GIS Curriculum tailored to First Nations 3 How To videos Improvements to Web Atlas, documentation and installation in a new First Nation Sharing best practices and tool with other First Nations Getting better access to data Testing Records Management Classification Schedule for Natural Resources Sharing Classification Schedule with other First Nations Workshops at next ICT Summit to share results of above
FIRST NATIONS INFORMATION SUPPORT SERVICE Lands and Resource Management System Proposal to Western Diversification – looking for matching funds Modular system building on work done by TNG/CSTC/ONA and others Referrals Management Mapping Time Management/Billing Document Management Registry
FNTC Contact: Sue Hanley Coordinator First Nations Technology Council VISIT AND THE BC FIRST NATIONS PORTAL