Exercises Information Security Course Eric Laermans – Tom Dhaene
Information Security Vakgroep Informatietechnologie – IBCN – Eric Laermans p. 2 Exercise 1 Strong primes Given p–1 has a sufficiently large prime factor r p+1 has a sufficiently large prime factor s r+1 has a sufficiently large prime factor t Question How would you determine such a number?
Information Security Vakgroep Informatietechnologie – IBCN – Eric Laermans p. 3 Exercise 2 Complexity 2 efficient algorithms for factorising a number n in prime factors have a computational complexity of respectively L n [1/2, 1] and L n [1/3, (64/9) 1/3 ] Questions: which of both algorithms is asymptotically most efficient which algorithm would you use to factorize a number of 128 binary digits (and for a number of 256, 512 of 1024 bits)? from which size of number (decimal digits) would you switch to the other algorithm?
Information Security Vakgroep Informatietechnologie – IBCN – Eric Laermans p. 4 Exercise 3 Complexity Given: to compute discrete logarithms in a subgroup of order q in the group {Z p *, } there are algorithms with a O(q 1/2 ) complexity and algorithms with a L p [1/3, (64/9) 1/3 ] complexity (which is the same as the complexity for solving discrete logaritmen in {Z p *, }) Question: if p ≈ , which value of q must be chosen so that solving discrete logarithms in the subgroup is not significantly easier than the original discrete logarithm problem in {Z p *, }?
Information Security Vakgroep Informatietechnologie – IBCN – Eric Laermans p. 5 Exercise 4 Complexity Given: The Belgian eID uses RSA with a 1024 bit modulus and PKCS#1 v1.5 Using state-of-the-art algorithms (GNFS) for factorisation and state-of-the-art technology, it has been possible since December 2009 to factorise a 768 bit number One may assume that algorithms will not improve in the coming years, that computation speed is the only limitation, and that computation speed doubles every 24 months Question: How risky is it to extend the validity of the Belgian eID to 10 years? Use calculations to make your case.