Technologys Role in Emergency Management 24 February 2012
1 BC Risks and Realities Earthquake and Tsunami Forest Fires Floods Avian Flu & BSE (Mad Cow) SARS and Pandemic Influenza Severe Storms Power Outages Dangerous Goods/HAZMAT Spills
2 KELOWNA 2003
3 West Coast Winter 2006
4 Spring Freshet 2007
5 Dunsmuir Street Fire - July 2008
6 Squamish Slide 2008
7 Summer Fire Season 2009
Bella Coola Valley Kingcome Inlet Highway 20 September 2010 West Coast Storm
9 Threat environment is changing: Frequency and severity of natural disasters Japan and New Zealand Earthquakes 2011 Floods in Manitoba, Quebec and BC Slave Lake Interface Fire Terrorist attacks on western targets Pandemics/epidemics (human and animal) Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure Power outages Canadians expect their government to be vigilant and prepared to face these challenges.
Government of Canadas Role Emergencies are handled primarily by the municipalities/provinces/territories. If the nature of the emergency begins to threaten lives of Canadian citizens and their property, and overwhelms the resources of the provincial/territorial governments, the Government of Canada may be requested to provide assistance. 10
First Nation Emergency Services
First Nation Emergency Services Society FNESS Funded by AANDC to provide fire service education and emergency preparedness Works with First Nations to engage in emergency management and assist in development of community emergency plans Delivers emergency management awareness sessions/training around the province. If required or upon request are available to provide support to communities during emergencies.
13 Prevention / Mitigation Preparedness Response Response Recovery Emergency Management Framework
14 Emergency Management Cycle These pillars are interconnected. The activities within them take place concurrently and in support each other. The emergency management cycle is an holistic and ongoing process.
Joint Planning Initiatives With Federal, Provincial and/or Local Government Partners: RESPONSE Federal Regional Pandemic Plan Foreign Animal Disease Emergency Support Plan Border Integrity Migrant Ship Tactical Operations Plan Major Air Disaster Plan Marine Emergency Response Plan Seismic Integrated Response Planning Steering Committee Tsunami Integrated Preparedness Working Group CBRNE Working Group Exercise Coordination Disaster Response Routes (iNet) Regional Emergency Communications Working Group RECOVERY Maritime Commerce Resumption Plan Regional Disaster Debris Management Working Group BC Critical Infrastructure Steering Committee Logistics Management 15
Critical Infrastructure Players: Public Safety Canada Other federal government departments Emergency Management BC Provincial ministries Local governments Private owners & operators Roles Determine what is critical infrastructure Conduct risk management analysis processes Develop risk reduction strategies Distribute and share alerts, warnings and best practices Respond and restore critical infrastructure following major events Critical Infrastructure
Tools for Capacity Building Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessments (HRVA) Do you know where your weak points are? Consequence of Loss Tool Evaluating not only your assets but your interdependencies Business Continuity and Recovery Plans Understanding how you are going to mitigate your challenges so you can get back to new normal faster. HAZUS ( Modeling your communities for scenario based planning MASAS ( Multi Agency Situational Awareness System BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Exercises (TTX, CPX, Full Scale) 17
18 We are in this together!
19 Thank you! May 7 th to 12 th, 2012 is Emergency Preparedness Week! Are YOU Ready? Building a Safe and Resilient Canada