高考英语作文公开课 I Shall Not Live In Vain --Emily Dickinson If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,


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Presentation transcript:


I Shall Not Live In Vain --Emily Dickinson If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Daily Speech What’s the theme of the poem?

cartoon poster graph photo

Let’s develop our writing skills in cartoons!

What is a good writing ? Content : * everything needed included which is related to your view.( 内容要完整 ) Structure: * Good beginning and ending( 好的开头结尾 ) * Well organized and smoothly developed ( 结构合理, 行文流畅 ) Language: * No Chinglish ( 避免中文式英文 ) * No Grammatical mistakes ( 没有语法错误 ) * With exactly used words and relatively changed sentence patterns ( 词语的准确运用和句式的富于变化 )

How to write based on cartoons? 1. 读图 (topics) 3. 谋篇 (organization) 2. 解意 (theme)

Ⅰ. 读图: Topics of cartoons

Topics of cartoons Environmental problems Attitudes towards life Social phenomenon

Ⅱ. 解意 (Theme)-----to the point Attention: 文字说明部分往往含有重要信息 (clues), 切记要认真阅读!!! 1. 辨明褒贬,找准角度 (angle) 2. 联系生活,明晰主旨 (theme)

The comparison indicates the phenomenon of education inequality in modern China. Example 1 角度 comparison 主旨 education inequality

Example 2 角度 criticize 主旨 Students and parents only focus on their academic achievements, neglecting psychological quality and moral standards.

Judge the themes of the following cartoons as quickly as possible. Let’s have a competition

Come on! Choose me!

People lack communication. Picture1

Protect animals. No buying, no killing. Picture2

People can’t afford heavy medical fees. Picture 3

One false move may lose the game. Think twice before we do anything. Picture 4

Money can’t buy everything. Health is the best wealth. Picutre5

Picture6 Children suffer from too heavy burden.

Ⅲ. 谋篇 ---Organization Step1. Description Describe what you have seen in the picture briefly. Step2. Analysis Figure out the inner meaning of the picture. Step3. Solutions Give your ideas about the picture. 发现问题 解决问题 分析问题

Step 1 Description To what degree should we describe the cartoon? Properly, briefly

Example a country boy crying long for education a city boy enjoy all the benefits of education

As is vividly shown in the picture, As can be seen in the picture, In the picture, there are… …… Sentence structures :

a country boy crying long for education a city boy enjoy all the benefits of modern education As is vividly shown in the picture, As can be seen in the picture, In the picture, there are… ……

a country boy is crying helplessly in the darkness, longing eagerly for school education. In contrast, the city boy on the right is enjoying all the benefits of modern education. As is vividly shown in the picture,

Step2 Analysis( 联系实际分析 ) ( facts / reasons/results…)

Clues :描述一下他 们的不同境遇,并 就如何解决此问题 发表你的看法。 (referring to the given Chinese words)

Indicate: education inequality Facts: drop out of school suffer from low standards of… comparatively better opportunities Results: lower enrollment rates in rural country worsen the problem

Sentence structures: 1.Reading the cartoon, we think of a common phenomenon of our society. 2.It seems very ridiculous that…However, it is very common in our daily life. 3.The picture shows that…It is the exact reflection of… 4.The picture indicates that we…/ Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that… 5. … …

Indicate: education inequality Facts: drop out of school suffer from low standards of… comparatively better opportunities Results: lower enrollment rates in rural country worsen the problem Sentence structures: 1.Reading the cartoon, we think of a common phenomenon of our society. 2.It seems very ridiculous that…However, it is very common in our daily life. 3.The picture shows that…It is the exact reflection of… 4.The picture indicates that we…/ Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that…

The comparison indicates the phenomenon of education inequality in modern China. (facts) School-age country children are often dropping out of school due to poverty. Even those who manage to stay in school are still suffering from the low standards of educational facilities. Comparatively, city children have much better opportunities to receive good education. (results) Thus, schools in the countryside generally have much lower enrollment rates than those in the city, which in turn worsens the problem.

Step 3 Solutions (your opinions /suggestions)

the government all citizens Individual ( 从大到小 ) be aware of Only in this way social justice harmonious society ( 从意识到行动 )

1.As far as I’m concerned, /In my opinion, /From my point of view,… 2. It is high time we took some measures to put an end to this phenomenon./ Immediate measures should be taken to… 3. The government should make laws to… 4. We should raise people’s awareness of… 5. Everyone should make great efforts to… Only in this way can we… Sentence structures: Can you think of some sentence structures to form your last paragraph?

Sentence structures: 1. As far as I’m concerned, /In my opinion, /From my point of view,… 2. It is high time we took some measures to put an end to this phenomenon./ Immediate measures should be taken to… 3. The government should make laws to… 4. We should raise people’s awareness of… 5. Everyone should make great efforts to… the government all people be aware of Only in this way social justice harmonious society

From my point of view, to solve this problem, the government should spend more money on the improvement of education in rural areas. Moreover, all citizens in the community should be aware of the seriousness of the problem and do whatever they can to help. Only in this way can we have more social justice and thus have a more harmonious society.

Whatever the picture is, just remember: Proper description Accurate analysis Reasonable solutions Only if we keep these rules in mind can we make it. Conclusion:

巧用衔接词 引用公式化语言 转换优化优美句型

1) 引用公式化语言 Part 1 Describe the picture Part 2 Interpret the picture Part 3 Give your opinions about the phenomenon

Part 1 Describe the picture 1. As is described / illustrated / conveyed / revealed / shown in the picture, … 2. The picture is talking about / shows… 3. As can be seen in the picture above, … 4. The picture describes an interesting phenomenon … 5. The picture above is about …

Part 2 Interpret the picture 1. It seems very ridiculous that…However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. 2. It is the exact reflection of… 3. The picture indicates that we…Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that…

 4. Simple as it is, the drawing sets us thinking too much.  5. This is a satirical / ironical ( 讽刺的 ) cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon that our animal friends, frogs, are in great danger.

Part 3 Give your opinions 1. From where I stand, it is time that some effective measures should be taken to solve the problems. 2. As far as I am concerned, / Personally, / In my opinion, / From my point of view, / On my part, / On a personal note… 3. Through the above analysis, I believe… 4. Judging from what have been argued above, it is, therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to…

2) 巧用衔接词 1) 表示平行或选择关系 as well as, together with, not only…but also..., rather than… 2) 表示转折关系 however, in spite of, otherwise, while… 3) 表示对比关系 on the contrary, instead of, on one hand…on the other hand... 4) 表示因果关系 therefore, as a result (of), owing to, due to, thanks to…

5 )表示时间、顺序关系 firstly, …secondly, …, for one thing... for another, eventually… 6 )表示递进、强调关系 what’s more, in addition, worse still, moreover, furthermore, above all… 7 )表示解释、说明关系 such as, for example, for instance, in other words, and so on… 8 )表示结论 in short, in brief, in a word, in general, on the whole, in conclusion…

1) ______________________education is beneficial to us students. 不可否认,教育对我们学生是有 益的。 2) ______________________________ education is very important to us. 全世界都知道,教育对我 们是非常重要的。 3) _______________________education concerning quality leaves something to be desired. 毫无疑问 ,我们有关素质的教育是令人不满意。 3) 优美句型 There is no denying that It is universally acknowledged that There is no doubt that

4) ______________using the frogs to kill harmful insects ______it won’t create any pollution. 使用青蛙捕捉害虫的优点是它不会制造任何 污染。 5) ________________________________ people found what environment meant to us. 直到多 年之后人 们才发现环境对我们来说意 味着什么。 ___________________________people find what environment meant to us. 6) _______________________we can’t afford to waste it. 时间是如此珍贵,经不起浪费。 An advantage of is that It was not until many years later that Not until many years later did So precious is time that

7) ____________________________always stay healthy. 只有借着做运动,我们才会始终保持健康。 8) __________________, I’m still unable to find a suitable place to live in. 虽然我已经很努力 了,但是我依然找不到合适的居住地。 9) ____________________ignore the value of reading. 我 们 绝对不能忽略读书的价值。 10) ________that the authorities concerned _____ proper steps to solve the environmental problems. 该是有关 当局采取适当的措施来解决环境问题的时候了。 11) We _________ lay _____much emphasis on education. 我们在怎么强调教育也不为过。 Only by taking exercise will we Hardworking as I am On no account can we It is time took can never too

12) ______________good interpersonal relationship plays an important role in our life. 显然,良好的人际关系在我们的生活中扮演着重要 的作用。 13) We should _________________protect our environment. 我们应该不遗余力的去保护我 们的环境。 14) Protecting frogs __________________protecting our environment. 保护青蛙与保护环境息息相关。 15) ____________some effective measures, we can finally protect the earth. 因为一些有效的措施 ,我们最终才能保护地球。 It is obvious that spare no efforts to is closely related to Thanks to

16) ______________________ we are admitted to universities. 过不了多久我们就会被大学录取。 17) ____________________________Mo Yan has won the Nobel Prize in literature. 我印象最深的就是莫言获得了诺贝尔文学奖。 18) _________________we have to protect frogs ________they are friends of man. 我们必须保护 青蛙的原因是它们是人类的朋友。 19) _________effective actions we take, __________life we will live. 我们的措施越有效,我们的生活就会更好。 It will not be long before What impresses me most is that The reason why is that The more the better

下图描述的是目前社会上所存在的一种社会现象:酒后驾车。 请描述这幅漫画并谈谈你认为应采取哪些措施禁止酒后驾车。 Let’s try it!

Steps Contents Description (Para 1) Analysis (Para 2) Solution (Para 3) “kiss” the wall; is caught by; drink so much; can’t stand normally a great danger; forbid drinking; raise awareness towards safety; make stricter laws spread out the approaches; our self- conscience ; pay enough attention to

One possible version: As is vividly described in the picture, there exists a common phenomenon among some drivers in our country. A driver is caught by a policeman because his car has “kissed” the wall. He has drunk so much that he can’t stand normally. How can he drive a car in such bad condition? (Description)

Drunk driving is a great danger both to our society and to drivers. Firstly, it’s time we took some measures to forbid drinking before driving. Secondly, it’s essential to strengthen the traffic security education to raise people’s awareness towards safety. Last but not least, the government should make stricter laws about it and punish drunk drivers severely. (Analysis)

As far as I’m concerned, the approaches above should be followed and gradually spread out all over the country. Besides, we can never lay too much emphasis on our self- conscience and pay enough attention to our daily driving. Only in these ways will road accidents decrease soon in the future. (Solution)

Wish you great progress in writing Thank you!