Bellringer for 10/9/12 What characteristics are needed for something to be considered modern? 3-5 sentences
Chapter 5
Section 1
A Rapidly Changing World The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1700s. This was a time when people used machinery and new methods to increase productivity Productivity a measure of how much work can be done in a certain length of time.
Reasons for Industrial Revolution Ready supply of natural resources Coal and iron Needed to make and run machinery Supply of raw materials Wool and imported cotton Supply of people Human resources could run machines
Major Industries Textiles woven cloth First industry to use factories textiles has previously been a cottage industry Cottage industry family members supplied their own equipment to make goods. Thomas Newcomen Invented steam engine in early 1700s James Watt Invented a more efficient steam engine Used for textile mills, riverboats and locomotives
Changing Lifestyles Industrial workers, including women and children, had to work long hours, often under dangerous conditions Eventually workers formed groups called unions Unions spoke for all the workers in a factory of industry and bargained for better working conditions, higher pay, and a shorter working day Strike workers refuse to work until their demands were met.
Rivalry Between Nations Imperialism European nations claimed colonies in Africa and Asia Nations built up armies and navies to protect their empires Alliances were formed.
Bellringer 10/10/12 World War I was called the “war to end all wars”. Why do you think this is the case? 3-5 sentences
World War I 1914 war broke out Known as “The Great War” or World War I Tanks, heavy artillery, machine guns, air planes
New Problems Arise After the war, millions were homeless and hungry Germany was blamed for starting the war and was asked to pay for much of it
Communism A revolution in Russia in 1917 led to a new political, economic, and social system called Communism Based on teachings of Karl Marx Industrialization had created 2 social classes Those who owned the means to produce goods Those who worked to produce goods He felt this system was unfair and needed to be overthrown
World War II 1930s, a world wide depression Germany had become a dictatorship Led by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party Its members, called Nazis, believed in German superiority By 1939 war had broken out Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan Allied Powers Great Britain France China
World War II In 1941, the United States and Soviet Union joined the Allies in the war that became known as World War II. During the war, Hitler carried out the Holocaust 12 million people killed 6 million Jews Gypsies, Poles, and individuals with disabilities also executed. Genocide mass murder of people because of race, religion, ethnicity, politics, or culture
World War II Italy surrendered in 1943 Germany was defeated in May 1945 August 1945, U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki United States and Soviet Union emerged as super powers.
Bellringer for 10/11/12 What was the Holocaust and why was it such a bad event? 3-5 sentences
Section 2
The Cold War Cold War The global competition between the United States and its democratic allies against the Communist Soviet Union and its supporters Nuclear weapons Use atomic reactions to release enormous power and can cause mass destruction. This was called a “cold war” because the countries never mobilized armies in an official war
The Cold War Marshall Plan 1948 The U.S. started a loan program Goals Help rebuild Europe Stop the spread of Communism Reopen mines Repair and replace roads
Western Europe Cooperates Truman Doctrine 1948 U.S. offers military aid to countries such as Greece and Turkey that were fighting communism inside their borders
Western Europe Cooperates North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Every country in NATO agreed to treat an attack on any other member as an attack on itself The NATO countries believed that the Soviet Union would not attack Western Europe because this could trigger a nuclear war with the United States
Benelux Trade Union Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg joined an alliance in 1948 Promoted free movement of money, goods, and people
European Coal and Steel Community West Germany, France, and Italy joined the Benelux countries to form the European Coal and Steel Community 1958 this became the European Economic Community Also called the Common Market Members agreed to free trade amongst themselves No tariffs to block trade
European Union Between 1958 and 1986 these countries joined Denmark United Kingdom Ireland Spain Portugal Greece
Soviets Control Eastern Europe The Soviet Union made satellite nations of those bordering it Satellite nations dependent upon a stronger power Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Easter Germany Each strictly controlled by the Soviets
The Soviet Union To counter NATO, the Soviets formed its satellites into an anti-Western military alliance known as the Warsaw Pact in 1955 This was named after the Polish capital in which the alliance was signed
The Cold War Hot Spots of the Cold War China Korea Cuba Vietnam
A Divided Berlin At the end of WWII, the Allies occupied Germany and it was divided into four occupation zones Soviet Union controlled the eastern part Allies controlled other 3 parts In 1948, in an effort to promote peace and German recovery, the U.S., Great Britain, and France united their occupation zones Soviets were against any plan that united or helped the Germans
A Divided Berlin June 1948 Soviets blockaded all land and water traffic into the western part of Berline U.S. and Great Britain began an airlift Airlift system of carrying supplies into West Berlin by airplane The Soviet blockade ended after 11 months Bonn will become the capital of West Germany East Berlin will be the capital of East Germany
The Berlin Wall Many people under East German rule were unhappy with the communist government 3 million people fled to West Berlin in search of political freedom and better living conditions August 1961, the government built a 103 mil wall between East and West Berlin
Freedom for Eastern Europe During the Cold War, the economies of Eastern Europe began to suffer 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union He loosened government control over the people and satellite nations These reforms unleashed a desire for independence
Freedom for Eastern Europe The first successful challenge to communist rule came in Poland 1989, Polish communists lost power as a result of a democratic election In East Germany, massive protests caused the countries communist government to resign The Berlin Wall came down in 1990 Soviet Union officially broke up on December 25, 1991
Freedom for Independence Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia also broke up Yugoslavia became… Slovenia Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Macedonia Serbia and Montenegro Czechoslovakia became… Czech Republic Slovakia
Section 3
The New Europe The Common Market officially became the European Union in members included United Kingdom Ireland France Luxembourg Spain Portugal Denmark The Netherlands Belgium Germany Italy Greece
The New Europe Members added in 1995 Austria Finland Sweden 2004 ten additional countries added The goal of some in the EU is to created a United States of Europe Euro common currency
Continued Cooperation European Atomic Energy Community (EUROTOM) Treaty on nuclear energy High speed rail systems
NATO’s New Rule Russia is now a limited partner in NATO NATO has taken on peace keeping tasks Now members are trained to respond to terrorist threats 2003 The U.S. war on Iraq strained tensions as France and Germany opposed the war