Blood Pressure Name of PowerPoint Name of Course Name of Lesson Project Lead The Way© Copyright 2005
What Causes Blood Pressure? Name of PowerPoint Name of Course Name of Lesson What Causes Blood Pressure? Blood is a fluid. As fluids move through a pipe there is pressure exerted on the wall of the pipe. This pressure is called hydrostatic pressure. When blood moves through blood vessels, there is pressure on the walls. This is blood pressure. Project Lead The Way© Copyright 2005
Blood Pressure Measurement Name of PowerPoint Name of Course Name of Lesson Blood Pressure Measurement Measure pressure on arteriole wall when heart contracts (systole) Measure pressure on arteriole wall when heart relaxes between contractions (diastole) Indicate blood pressure measurement as the ratio of systolic to diastolic pressures Project Lead The Way© Copyright 2005
Blood Pressure Measurement Name of PowerPoint Name of Course Name of Lesson Blood Pressure Measurement Traditionally measured in mm of mercury The measurement is the force that can support a column of mercury so many mm high Traditionally taken in upper arm level with the heart; can be taken elsewhere to measure peripheral blood flow or pressure Example Measurement 120 / 70: Systolic=120 Diastolic=70 Project Lead The Way© Copyright 2005
Systolic pressure + 2(Diastolic pressure) Name of PowerPoint Name of Course Name of Lesson What is MAP? MAP= Mean Arterial Pressure Used to measure adequacy of blood getting to vital tissues and organs Calculated by following formula: Systolic pressure + 2(Diastolic pressure) 3 Project Lead The Way© Copyright 2005
What Can Influence Blood Pressure? Name of PowerPoint Name of Course Name of Lesson What Can Influence Blood Pressure? Many things, including (but not limited to): Diet Weight Age Genetics Stress Smoking Physical Activity Project Lead The Way© Copyright 2005