MONICA Monograph and Multimedia Sourcebook: Slide Presentations from the CD-ROM Slides without spoken commentary: Six presentations combined in one file Prepared by Hanna Tolonen and Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations Graphics A: Populations, Data Collection and Official Mortality Prepared by Hanna Tolonen and Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe
end of presentation A
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations Graphics B: Coronary Events, Incidence, Case Fatality and Mortality Rates Prepared by Hanna Tolonen and Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe
end of presentation B
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations : Graphics C: Strokes, Incidence, Case Fatality and Mortality Rates Prepared by Hanna Tolonen and Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe
end of presentation C
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations : Graphics D: Risk Factors Prepared by Hanna Tolonen and Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations : Graphics D: Risk Factors Part 1. Cigarette Smoking
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations : Risk Factors Part 2. Systolic Blood Pressure
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations : Risk Factors Part 3. Total Cholesterol
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations Risk Factors Part 4 Obesity - Body Mass Index
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations : Risk Factors Part 5 Coronary Risk-Factor Scores and Coronary Risk-Factor Quality Scores
end of presentation D
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations Graphics E: Eight Evidence-Based Treatments in Coronary Care Prepared by Hanna Tolonen and by Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe
end of presentation E
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations Graphics F: Hypothesis Testing Prepared by Hanna Tolonen and Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations Part 1 Hypothesis on Coronary Disease and Coronary Risk Factors
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations : Part 2. Hypothesis on Stroke and Stroke Risk Factors
MONICA Monograph Slide Presentations Part 3. Hypothesis on Coronary Care
end of presentation F- end of presentations