FLORIDA 2060 A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida.


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Presentation transcript:

FLORIDA 2060 A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida

Thank you to the sponsors: The St. Joe Company, A. Duda & Sons, The Nature Conservancy, and Robert L. Parks, WilsonMiller, Fishkind & Associates, & Glatting Jackson.

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Florida 2060 Trend analysis of urban development Results of incremental decisions Question of legacy leadership Prepared by GeoPlan Center of UF and CQG&RD at Georgia Tech

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Assumptions 1. Moderate Population Growth (BEBR trend line) 2. New population consumes land at same density as existing development, by County 3. New population distributed geographically based on land suitability (existing urban, roadways, water, coastline, wetlands)

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Million 35.8 Million Population Forecast

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Existing Developed Lands and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida 2060 Developed Lands and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Agriculture, Other Undeveloped Lands 19.5 Urban Development 6.0 Urban Development 13.0 Water 2.0 Permanently Protected Conservation 10.8 Agriculture, Other Undeveloped Lands 12.5 Statewide Land Use Allocation (millions of acres) Total: 38.3 Million Acres

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Native Habitat 2.7 Million Agriculture 2.7 Million Other 1.5 Million Additional Land Converted to Urban Development Total: 7 Million Acres

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida New Conservation Lands Targeted For Purchase Statewide Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected Lands Targeted for Purchase

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Developed Land and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected Existing 2060

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Developed Land and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Time for Leadership Expand Florida Forever Adopt New Policy on Converting Rural Land to Urban Use Create 100 Year Legacy Plan Statewide Policy Implications

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Statewide Policy Implications Expand Florida Forever Reauthorize Higher Funding Level Expand to Open Space, Agricultural Lands Create Permanent Edges to Urban Communities

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Adopt New Policy on Converting Rural to Urban Statewide Policy Implications Not Just Discourage Urban Sprawl Add Density in Fair Trade for Significant Open Space, Natural and Agricultural Lands. Regional Vision Plans Land Use, Environment, and Transportation Master Plan “Communities of Place”

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Statewide Policy Implications 100 Year Legacy Plan Protect Existing Property Rights Preserve Community Character Target Lands for Permanent Protection Create “Livable Communities” Within Urban Areas - Redevelopment At Urban Edges In Potential New Towns Guide State Budget, Investments

FLORIDA 2060 A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Existing Developed Land and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida 2060 Developed Lands and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Existing Developed Land and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida 2060 Developed Lands and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Existing Developed Land and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida 2060 Developed Lands and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Existing Developed Land and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida 2060 Developed Lands and Permanent Conservation Lands Developed Land Conservation Lands Permanently Protected

Florida 2060: A Research Project of 1000 Friends of Florida Reserve Network for Florida Core Preserves Buffer Zones and Corridors Source: Noss & Cooperrider 1994