Geographic Information Systems GIS Definition
1. GIS is Important Because most information has a spatial component ESRI, GE SmallWorld Locations Networks Areas
GIS is Important.. It helps temporal reasoning as well S. H. Gage, J. Helly and M. Colunga, GIS/EM4 2000
GIS is Useful ► The “W” questions Where, what, when, why, how, who, what if… Where, what, when, why, how, who, what if… ► GIS shows “what” are “where”, and helps us think other “W”s ► It helps generate and test hypothesis
Social Factors Biodiversity Engineering Land Use EnvironmentalConsiderations It allows us to see the “whole” Courtesy: USGS GIS integrates various information
GIS is Useful.. ► GIS is used by a wide range of disciplines ► It changed the way we operate ► It opened many opportunities
A Few Facts ► NCGIA/NSF grants ► GIS programs in government agencies ► GIS consulting firms and contracts ► GIS conferences, journals, and professional societies ► ►
A Few Facts.. GIS is a big deal ► In the journal of Nature ► At CNN web site At CNN web site At CNN web site ► In Department of Labor
2. What is a GIS ► ► An early effort, Ian McHarg, 1969
What is a GIS.. ► A process oriented definition: A GIS is a computer-based system that provides for the collection, storage, analysis, and display of geo-referenced data. ► A problem solving oriented definition: A decision support system involving the integration of spatially referenced data in a problem solving environment. A decision support system involving the integration of spatially referenced data in a problem solving environment.
What is a GIS.. ► Data ► Information ► Knowledge ► Intelligence ► (DIKI)
What is a GIS.. ► ► GISystems and GIScience GISystems refers to software and hardware, and is used as a tool to support a project GIScience refers to the particular field of scientific study People Software Data Procedures Hardware Network
3. Related Fields ► Manual cartography ► DBMS (Data base management system) ► CAD (Computer-aided drafting) ► Computer Mapping ► AM/FM (Automated Mapping/Facility Management) ► LIS (Land information system) ► Remote sensing ► GIS
Spatial Operations GIS is not just mapping. It does spatial operations. For example, it helps to find: ► Where is object A? ► Where is A in relation to place B? ► How many occurrences of type A are there within distance D of B? distance D of B?
Geographic Analysis of Disease Risk ► Who are the populations at risk now and in the future? ► Where are the potential areas of disease?
How many cardiovascular patients have a cardiologist within 5 miles? ESRI, GE SmallWorld
Identification and Awareness of Hazardous Waste Sites
Spatial Operations.. ► What is the value of function Z at position X? ► How large is B (area, perimeter, count of inclusions)? ► What is the result of intersecting various kinds of spatial data?
Spatial Operations.. ► What is the path of least cost, resistance, or distance along the ground from X to Y along pathway P? distance along the ground from X to Y along pathway P? ► What is at point X1, X2? ► What objects are next to objects having certain combinations of attributes? combinations of attributes?
Dispatching delivery vans, taxis, or repair trucks
5. Readings ► ► Chpt 1