1 Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS) Mr Sem Panhavuth Road Crash and victim information System Project Manager Handicap International Belgium Cambodia
2 1.General introduction 2.Objective 3.Case definition and injury classification 4.Database development and set up 5.Training skill to the government partners 6.Monitoring / Follow up 7.The use of GPS device 8.Data analysis 9.Report writing 10.Report dissemination 11.Next step Content
3 2. Case and injury definition Case Definition: a collision involving at least one vehicle in motion on a public or private road that results in at least one person being injured or killed (WHO 2004). Injury Classification have been classified as following: - No injury- Superficial (minor cuts, bruises)- Moderate (fracture, sutures) - Severe (required surgery or ICU) - Died at Crash scenes, died on the way to hospital or died at hospital
4 2. National data collection form Hospital form: Interview information: hospital name, interviewer name, date, Casualty information: name, gender, age, …. Date of arrival at hospital, time of arrival, type of road user, type of transport, helmet/seatbelt, substance use, nature of injury, severity of injury, hospital discharge, transportation to hospital, Crash information: date of Crash, time, place, pedestrian/casualty's vehicle collided with, attendance of police Traffic police form: Interview information: province, traffic police unit, interviewer name, date, Crash information: date of crash, time, place, road type, cause of Crash, collision type, description of vehicles involved, estimation cost of vehicle damage, Casualty information: name, gender, age, residence, occupation, type of road user, type of transport, helmet/seatbelt, substance use, nature of injury, severity of injury, transportation to hospital,
5 2. Data source and data flow Traffic police officers are not present on all Crash scenes and do not report all crashes they witness Hospital data is therefore needed to complement traffic police data
6 2. Role and responsibilities Ministry of Interior: Design of the data collection form Collect data form and follow up with provincial level Provide training on data collection form and GPS to traffic police officer Provide feedback on the quality of data collection form Provide data collection form to HIB Ministry of Health: Design of the data collection form Collect data form and follow up with provincial level Provide training on data collection form to hospital staff Provide feedback on the quality of data collection form Provide data collection form to HIB HIB: Collect data from MoI, MoH Manage database (data entry, double check, reporting and disseminated) Train police on data collection form and the use of GPS device Provide technical support to those ministries
7 Thank you