1 Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS) Mr Sem Panhavuth Road Crash and victim information System Project Manager Handicap International Belgium Cambodia
2 1.Background 2.Objective 3.Why should we do RCVIS? 4.Purpose of using RCVIS data 5.Team structure and responsibility 6.Role and responsibility of partners 7.Success of project 8.Next step Content
3 1. Background Three different ministries are involved in Road crash data collection in Cambodia: –The Ministry of Public Works and Transport; –The Ministry of Interior; –The Ministry of Health. Although the databases developed by these ministries have been providing relevant indications on the road safety situation of the country, a need for improvement was observed:
4 1. Background No case definition No injury classification definition Minimal information Information on modifiable risk factors like maneuvering, helmets and seat belts, etc., not available Data analysis is limited due to lack of skills. Data not comparable each other No data integration between police and health Data not effectively used for developing anddesigning road safety interventions. No standard data collection form Under report
5 2. Why should we do RCVIS? To identify the problem Tracking change over time Identify risk factor/casual factor Identify vulnerable road user Strengthen the law enforcement Strengthen trauma care practices Implement evidence based interventions Monitor and evaluate impact of interventionsand changes over time
6 3. Objective of RCVIS To provide government and development stakeholders in Cambodia with accurate, continuous and comprehensive information on Road crashes and victims for the purposes of increased understanding of the current road safety situation, planning appropriate responses and policy, and evaluating impact of current and future initiatives
7 4. Purpose of using RCVIS Descript the situation of road crash over period of time Resource allocation Prioritization Provide recommendation Develop intervention strategy, action plan Evaluation the intervention
8 5. Team structure and responsibility
9 Responsibility of RCVIS Project Manager: Main focal person for the development of RCVIS Develop and disseminated the report Develop RCVIS and ISS database system Maintain relationship with involved partners Organized and provide training to hospital and trafficpolice staff on the use of data collection form andGPS using for traffic police and other necessarytraining. Organized training for RCVIS and ISS database tothe team and ministry staff. Develop and update RCVIS and ISS guideline andSOP Recommend major changes in the project which mayhelp to improve it.
10 5. Team structure and responsibility Responsibility of RCVIS Project Officer: Follow up the progress of ISS with MoH and Otherpartners Develop and disseminated the report Data check and double entries Producing Ad-hoc reports Organized and provide training to hospital staff onthe use of data collection form and other training. Organized training for RCVIS and ISS database tothe team and ministry staff. Develop and update RCVIS and ISS guideline Develop and update Standard Operation Procedure(SOP)
11 5. Team structure and responsibility Responsibility of RCVIS Data Encoder: Collect data form from of hospital and trafficpolice at ministries Entering the data into to the database Checking and correcting the data Contact hospital or traffic police officer to getadditional information if form lack of information Design and regularly update RS website Organize training to NRSC staff on website using Assist project manager in organizing the training atprovincial level Assist project manager to identify the blackspot ondigital map
12 6. Role and responsibility of partners Ministry of Interior: Collaborate in the design of the data collection form Organize training at provincial level Printing data collection form as district level needs Collect and follow up data from provincial level Enter data, data check, data analysis and reportproduction. Provide data to national road safety committee Provide feedback to provincial level Provide the report to high level in the ministries Participate in valuation activity
13 6. Role and responsibility of partners Ministry of Health: Collaborate in the design of ISS form Organize training at provincial level Printing data collection form for hospital needs Collect and follow up data from provincial level Enter data, data check, data analysis and report production. Provide only road crash data to NRSC Provide feedback to provincial level Provide the report to high level in the ministries and hospital. Participate in valuation activity
14 7. Success of Project Road crash data collection form for Police and Health wereapprove as National data collection form. System coverage: By the end of 2006, RCVIS covered 24 Cambodian provinces with traffic police and health facilities data. Monthly and annual report : 4 annual report were published and monthly report 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 were publishedevery month and disseminated to stakeholders.. Road Safety Website ( ): was developed by HIB which is one of the important tools to disseminatethe RTAVIS reports and other road safety related information. Two memorandum of understanding: were signed with the General Secretariat of National Police (GSNP), Ministry of Interior. RCVIS has been used to: give recommendation, increased political will, develop action plans and proposal, evaluate road safety action,extended into ISS etc…. The system has been handover to MoH and MoI and NRSC
15 Handover of system to government: MoI, MoH and NRSC Extend to cover all kinds of injuries: Injury Surveillance System in health structure 8. Next Step