theory interest group wiki: see also dm/specification Simulation Data Model: SimDM
Note WD (next page): –doc –appendix –implementation note (LePetit & Ooghe) ) Model –uml (MagicDraw) –png –intermediate representation (xml) html (with utypes) –SimDB:simdb/protocol/Protocol.codeURL xsd –root elements –types: simdb protocol... experiment object dal
1Executive Summary 2History 3SimDB/DM: application, approach and outline 3.1Application(s) of the model 3.2Modelling approach 3.3Phase 1: analysis 3.4Phase 1: domain model 4Logical model overview 4.1Packages 4.2Resource 4.3Physics, models and algorithms 4.4Parameters: definition and values 4.5Target: Goal of experiment 4.6Object types: real and simulated 4.7Results: products and their statistical summary 4.8Data access services 5Serialisations 5.1SimDB/UTYPE (normative) 5.2XML 6Dependencies on other IVOA efforts 6.1Registry 6.2Semantics: Use of SKOS Concepts 6.3Data Model 6.3.1UML Profile 6.3.2Characterisation data model 6.3.3UTYPE 7Conclusions 8References 8.1Accompanying documents 8.2Relevant IVOA documents 8.3Other sources Gerard Lemson Laurent BourgesBourgèes Claudio Gheller Norman Gray Franck LePetit Benjamin Ooghe Rick Wagner Hervé Wozniak
Note WD: –doc –appendix –implementation note (LePetit & Ooghe) ) Model (other slides) –uml –png –intermediate representation html (with utypes) –SimDB:simdb/protocol/Protocol.codeURL xsd –root elements –types: simdb protocol... experiment object dal
Tomorrow joint theory/DAL/Registry session: Usage of model in –SimDB –SimDAL (SimTAP)