Donna Curley – HMIS Project Manager NERHMIS - New England Regional HMIS March 18,
Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing ACT enacted 5/20/2009 Consolidates three programs under the McKinney-Vento to a single grant program, revises the Emergency Shelter Grants program and renames it the Emergency Solutions Grants program
The HEARTH Act is organized in four sections: Subpart A – General Provisions Subpart B – Emergency Solutions Grant Program Subpart C – Continuum of Care Program Subpart D – Rural Housing Stability Assistance Program nh-hmis.org3
A consolidation of HUD's competitive grant programs The creation of a Rural Housing Stability Assistance Program A change in HUD's definition of homelessness and chronic homelessness A simplified match requirement An increase in prevention resources An increase in emphasis on performance
HMIS Plan Requirements* HMIS Plan Requirements* Disaster Recovery Plan Security Plan Data Quality Plan * These plans are in addition to the Policy and Governance
HMIS Security Requirements Security Officer – HMIS Lead & CHOs must designate, ensures compliance Workforce security-HMIS Lead must ensure that each CHO conduct criminal background checks on the HMIS security officer & on all administrative users
Security awareness training and follow-up - HMIS Lead must ensure all users receive security training prior to being given access to the HMIS Reporting security incidents -HMIS Lead must implement a policy and chain of communication for reporting & responding to security incidents nh-hmis.org7
Annual security review - each HMIS Lead must complete an annual security review nh-hmis.org8
The data quality standards ensure the completeness, accuracy, & consistency of the data in the HMIS The Continuum of Care is responsible for the quality of the data produced HMIS Lead must set data quality benchmarks for CHOs nh-hmis.org9
Reliable data generated by the Continuum of Care’s HMIS that it meets all of the following standards: Reduce average length of time persons are homeless Reduce returns to homelessness nh-hmis.org10
Improve program coverage Reduce number of families and individuals who are homelessness nh-hmis.org11 *See Subpart E for HPC (High-performing community) standards
Improve employment rate and income amount of families and individuals who are homeless Reduce number of families and individuals who become homeless (first time homeless) Prevent homelessness and achieve independent living in permanent housing for families and youth defined as homeless under other Federal statutes nh-hmis.org12
HMIS Lead must submit the security plan to the COC for approval within 6 months of [effective date of final rule to be inserted at final rule stage] HMIS Lead and CHOs must implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards within 6 months of the initial approval of the security plan nh-hmis.org13
nts/S896_HEARTHAct.pdf nts/S896_HEARTHAct.pdf nts/HomelessAssistanceActAmendedbyHEAR TH.pdf nts/HomelessAssistanceActAmendedbyHEAR TH.pdf nts/CoCProgramInterimRule.pdf nts/CoCProgramInterimRule.pdf
rth-proposed-rule-for-hmis-requirements/ rth-proposed-rule-for-hmis-requirements/ ents/HEARTH_ESGInterimRule&ConPlanConf ormingAmendments.pdf ents/HEARTH_ESGInterimRule&ConPlanConf ormingAmendments.pdf
Thank you! Donna Curley, HMIS Project Manager