Geography The World’s largest archipelago, with 17,508 islands. Located in Southern Asia, between Indian & Pacific oceans Climate Indonesia has tropical weather with a lot of sunshine and intermittent rain. Dry season lasts from May through October, and the rainy season from November through April. Daily temperature is between 27 to 34 centigrade. People & Population The world’s fourth most populated 238 millions, mostly in Java, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Kalimantan/Borneo, Bali, Papua and Maluku Economy Huge revenue generated mostly from export of natural resources followed by tourism sector. In 2007, Indonesia received 5.6 million foreign visitors. Indonesia:
Background Health in Indonesia 2010 Development of healthcare in Indonesia foreign investment Development of IT & Comunication On-line healthcare service Customer need New paradigm on HIM
HIM SITUATION 1. Paper based document (manual) 2. Manual & computerize in registration unit 3. Computerization (LAN) 4. Electronic Health Record inprocess
NuArea YearAverage (%) Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Total (3,7 %) (3,8 %) (-1,2 %) (3,9 %) (1,5 %) 2,34 % Out Patient Visitation Rate HUSADA HOSPITAL in
Identification 1. Out patient specialist clinic 2. Priority for improvement registration system 3. Acurate & complete information 4. Doctor’s office hours
Problems (observation) Waiting time: At registration office For recovering of medical record For doctor in charge
Question Emerges How to improve an information system which could develope customer’s registration process ?
GOAL To make registration process faster in policlinic specialist Steps : To identify the information need Aplication registration design web, short massage system (SMS) Operational procedure in registration design
CustomerRegistration MRN ? Outguide MR Flow of Registration Policlinic Specialis Yes No New Medical Record Direct Clinic
Interview & Observation Board of Directors Outpatient Care Coordinator Head & Registered Nurses Specialized Doctors Registration Officers Medical Officers
Result of Interview Question such as: 1. Visitation number 2. Doctor visit 3. Profile of the right doctor to consult good communication
Design System Proses Customer registration data & Doctor’s confirmation schedule Input Customer data, Human resources, System, Procedure, Standard Output - Visitation number - Doctor’s schedule - Medical record
System Development Metodology “System Development Life Cycle” (SDLC): 1. Problem identification 2. To judge information requirment 3. Analyse system need 4. To design system 5. To develop & documenting software 6. To test & ensure system 7. To implement & evaluate system
Customer Registration DirectWeb Confirm visitation New Design of Registration Flow 1 Yes No Schedule No Yes PhoneSMS 1
MR Out guide MRN Yes No Clinic 1 New MR New Design of Registration Flow
Flow of Registration System of Policlinic Specialist
New Design of Registration System Advantages Making it more convenient Customer has provided identifying information The menu will provide new id record for new customer Patient will recieve prompt service thanks to having their MR on hand Disadvantages Resources support Sosialization the system Need commitment Work hard
Conclusion 1.Trend the visitation rate is increasing 2. Design in simple & clearly 3. Professional management 4. Im prove the KAPP for Staff 5. Socialisation about new system